Anniversary Thoughts


Twenty three years ago I was young, idealistic and naive. I thought that getting married would solve all my problems. I thought that if I had someone to love me then my life would be perfect. However, as most of us realize, that is not the way life progresses.

What I have learned is that in order for a marriage to truly work, both parties need to be committed to it. Both need to be willing to communicate and compromise. Both the husband and wife need to work through the many crises and problems you will face. It certainly helped us both to realize that God ordained marriage and for us to keep Him at the center.

We have gone through so much in our twenty three years of marriage. Good times, bad times, lean times, leaner times. Times of rejoicing and times of incredible sorrow. It has not always been easy. Yet, the day we said, "I do." we realized that we were making a commitment to work through the tough times. Quitting was not an option, even when we may have felt that way.

Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary. We both are grayer. We have more wrinkles. Yet, I love him more today than I did that June day so long ago. I realize what a wonderful man I have as a husband.

I thank God each and every day for my marriage and look forward to another 23 years with him.

I love you sweetheart!


  1. You are so truly blessed, Terri..
    Best wishes to you both...
    Many many more happy years...

  2. Happy Anniversary. Something to celebrate!! God bless.

  3. Happy 23rd anniversary to you both! What a nice picture. You are right about commitment in a marriage. Some today have problems and just give up and divorce. They need to work things out. My husband and I will be married 36 years in September. We've had ups and downs too. I wish you both many more happy and healthy years together!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Happy Anniversary, Terri! What a sweet picture!

    Blessings on your special day!

  5. Congratulations! My husband and I celebrated our 28th yesterday. It just keeps getting better!

  6. Happy Anniversary to you both!! May GOD continue to bless you for the next 50! My husband and I will celebrate 24 in August so we're right there with you!

    Congratulations - you are very blessed indeed.


  7. Happy Anniversary Dan & Terri! May God continue to bless your marriage!


    PS - great picture of you two! :)

  8. What a great photo of both of you!

    Happy Anniversary, and may you be blessed with many, many more!

  9. Congratulations Dan and Terri! A beautiful post, xx

  10. Well amen Terri, Congratulations on your 23rd, hee my 51st will be in September, God bless you and have many more. Hugs Barbara

  11. Congratulations! Beautiful picture of the bride and groom. Thanks for sharing.

    We will have our 25th next March. Debbi

  12. Don & I will be celebrating our 42nd this July. God Bless you even more in the next 23 years as you serve the Lord together.
    I enjoy reading your blog and think of you often.
    God Bless.


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