Multitude Monday

I'm reading a book entitled, Pathway to Purpose for Women: Connecting Your To-do List, Your Passions, and God's purposes for Your Life by Katie Brazelton. One of the things that struck me is that sometimes we can spend so much time looking for some great purpose in our life, and yet God wants us to be faithful in the simple, the mundane, and the day to day events. It's in our faithfulness through those things, that we begin to see our purpose in life.

I can't tell you how many times I want something bigger in my life. I want to make a difference; to be noticed. I want something I do to count for a larger purpose.

Some of the jobs I've worked over the years have made me feel like I'm doing that and others, not so much. In my lifetime, I've done the following jobs:

► Administrative Assistant
► Public Relations Director
► Assistant Director of a preschool
► Director of Adult Education Programs which included adult literacy, English as a second language, and GED tutoring.
► Reading teacher
► Librarian

and currently,

► Teacher's aide

All of them have been challenging jobs and I've done very well at them. With some, I have felt like I'm making a difference in others lives and in my community. Yet, they pale in comparison with the most important thing God has called me to do and the role he wants me to play.

♥ Wife
♥ Mother
♥ Friend

However, there are times when I keep wanting to find that bigger purpose. That thing that others will take notice of. In today's world, you aren't very important if you don't have a title and a paycheck to match. You don't count if you aren't doing things that are newsworthy.

The Lord keeps reminding me to stay faithful in the small things that He sends my way. Luke 16:10 says, "He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much: and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much." As I faithfully carry out those things that others deem unimportant, God will see that I can handle more.

This week I'm grateful for the mundane and the unnoticed things that happen in my life.

Today I'm thankful for Blessings #451-465

♫ A break in the temperature.

♫ A beautiful wall of flowers climbing a tree.


♫ That both Nathan and Stephen (one with bronchitis and the other with pneumonia, Lymes Disease and Ehrlichiosis) are feeling much, much better with antibiotics.

♫ Medical benefits.

♫ The possibility of more hours for Dan at his second job.

♫ The wonderful blend of Middle Eastern spices.

♫ Learning new truths from God's word.

♫ Dan's new hobby of running. He ran his first 5k race and came in 10th overall and 2nd in his age group.


♫ A wonderful birthday celebration for my husband.


♫ A perfect blueberry pie.

♫ Electricity and running water after 12 hours with none.

♫ Wildlife in my backyard.


♫ An unexpected gift, which will allow me to attend a writer's conference this summer.

♫ Emily's new sewing machine, which allows her to continue learning.

and finally...

♫ Listening to my husband perform a wedding ceremony and remembering our own wedding.


  1. You've hit the spot again Terri :) You often seem to write I what I need to be reading and learning :)

  2. Wonderful, Terri! I needed to hear this too because I am really trying to work on cutting back on my busy life and focus on family, friends and home. I am realizing that cutting back and learning to say "no" takes a lot of practice. My mind wants to jump in and say, "I will do that" but my heart is saying, " slow down and enjoy".

    Have a good week. Debbi

  3. Wonderful post & blessings! :)


  4. So glad to hear you were able to get this book. I was going to send you mine in the mail. I only paid 2.49 for it from Amazon. Great post Terri I know exactly how you feel. Our post-modern culture continually bombards us with lies that we aren't important or our roles are not significant. Thanks again for this reminder.


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