Odds and Ends

I feel like I have been on fast forward for the past 3 months. There hasn't been a lot of time to blog, read, craft or any of the things I enjoy. However, I thought it was time to do a catch-up post.

Here are some things happening around here:

► Internet is out at the house for the past 3 days which is why I haven't blogged at all.

► This is the last week of school. Stephen & Nathan & Emily are finished as of today and I finish tomorrow moring. I cannot wait to have a summer off!

► Our chickens are growing. The kids and Dan built a coop for them and though it's not beautiful it does the trick. The only problem is that I think I have 4 roosters! LOL


► I received a gift so I can go to a Christian Writer's Conference in July.

► Emily & Stephen are going to camp again this summer.

► My garden is starting to take off though for some reason I cannot get lettuce to grow this year.


► I started the washer the other morning and then happened to look in and thought I left a sock in there. It turns out it was a bat! EEEEWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was soggy and not very happy. Dan got it out for me and put it outside. Hopefully it will stay there.

► Nathan is fully in the new firehouse and happy as a lark. The nice thing is that because it is two doors down we don't have to drive like crazy people to get him to the firehouse. He just runs across the church lot and there he is! :-)

► Emily got a new sewing machine for her birthday and is excited to use it.


► Dan got a new position within his second job which provides him with more hours. That is the biggest blessing!

► Another huge blessing is that we found out because Nathan is a volunteer firefighter, we get to join the town pool for a $1!

So there you go. It was probably more than you wanted to know. :-)


  1. Lots of good news there Terri! And I hope you have a restful and happy time off work this summer! xxx

  2. I love hearing your news :)
    God bless you.
    And happy Summer hols :)

  3. I am so glad everything is looking up for you. Our radishes didn't do as well in our garden this year like they ALWAYS do. I don't know why. We've had alot of rain in Illinois so maybe that's it. Have you had alot of rain? Maybe the lettuce doesn't like it so wet.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Nope! It wasn't more than I wanted to know.....it was just right! I love reading your blog and hearing about your family.

    Have a great, great summer. Debbi


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