Lemon Cucumbers


I tried my hand a new kind of cucumber this year - lemon. They are round and yellow like a lemon and are supposed to be a bit sweeter.

To me they taste like a regular cucumber. The one difference I noticed is that the skin is tougher and they are full of seeds. You can make pickles with them. I won't be growing them again next year, but I enjoyed the experience.

The rest of my garden is iffy. Let's just say I hope there isn't a famine or we will be eating dirt! LOL!!!

I've only gotten 2 eggplant, a handful of peppers and beans. I have tons of green tomatoes but many of them are getting blossom end rot. I have 1 measly little pumpkin growing and 1 butternut squash and some regular cukes.

The only thing that keeps on producing is those lemon cucumbers!


  1. I just picked up two lemon cucumbers from the farmers market and tried them!

    I was told they were juicier than regular cucumbers. They were! I'm with you on the seed part though.

    I prefer English cucumbers. Less seeds :)

  2. This post reminded me of a few years ago when we had an abundance of gherkins. They were inedible, being absolutely bitter and tough. I tried making soup with them, and we all nearly spat it out when we tasted it, lol! Thing was, they kept on and kept on coming, hahaha! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard of lemon cucumbers. xxx

  3. Oh, I hope there isn't a famine because dirt doesn't taste too good. How does that saying go that when live gives you lemons (cucumbers)....you will have to finish the saying because I have forgotten how it goes. Guess you will have to fill in your own ending.

  4. Mom, it's "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Not sure that would work too well with lemon cucumbers! ;-)

  5. Thanks, Terri. I typed live instead of life which is what I meant. It was the "make lemonade" part that I couldn't remember. Just wait til you get to be my age and you'll see just how tough remembering can be sometimes. lol!


  6. we grew lemon cucs last summer and loved them. the kids had so much fun watching them grow.
    my garden this year has been completely destroyed by deer and moles....uuuughh! we are only harvesting cherry tomatoes and very few beans and peas.

  7. Hi Teri,
    Thank you for stopping by. I so understand life getting out of control.
    Have a wonderful day.


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