Multitude Monday

Death is not something we talk about much. It makes people uncomfortable and sad. Most people feel that it's morbid.

However, for someone who is sure in their faith and salvation, death is not something to fear. If we know Christ, than we realize that this body is just a shell and we will truly be alive when we go into His presence.

Yesterday, Dan & I attended a party for someone who is dying from liver cancer. Her friends threw this event to celebrate her life and so that she would know before she goes how much she was loved. The wonderful thing about this celebration was that Dan had the privilege of leading her to the Lord a few weeks ago. She knows where she is going. It was wonderful to see the absolute joy this woman exuded.

I told Dan that if I knew ahead of time that I had only a short time left to live, that is how I would want to go.

With a celebration.

With love.

With joy.

Edited to add: In direct contrast to this, I just found out a few moments ago that my father passed away last night. I didn't have a relationship with him. He didn't know the Lord nor did he want to hear about it. No matter how many times I reached out to him, he would not reach back. I'm saddened that I didn't have a relationship with my dad. :-(

Today I'm thankful for Blessings #556-570

♥ The celebration of a life.

♥ The opportunity to complete many crafts this week.

♥ A wonderful time of fellowship at church yesterday.


♥ Girls who came back from camp excited about their faith.

♥ Gifts of flowers, green beans, eggs and squash.

♥ The opportunity to go to 30 hours of reading instruction training for free.

♥ Listening to someone share their heart.


♥ Seeing hearts touched by the Lord.

♥ A never-ending supply of entertainment around here.


♥ The smell of fresh baked bread.

♥ Laughing so hard my stomach hurts.

♥ Tea with a friend I haven't seen in months.

♥ Participating in the local community market.

♥ Seeing how the guys at the firehouse look out for my son.

and finally....

♥ God's word which instructs and challenges me.



  1. clicked over from ann's. i love your list - your joy is evident. i also love the idea of a party for the one fast-approaching the throne. lovely post.

  2. What a wonderful idea that party of celebration was.

  3. Terri you always give us something to think about, and be thankful for, thank you for sharing. I am sorry to hear of your fathers passing, I pray you have peace in your heart knowing you tried to be a part of his life and lead him to Christ. God Bless you!

  4. My first visit to "Hearts in Service". I am a "preacher/ pastordaughter, a preacher,pastor's wife,a preacher/pastor's mother and lastly, a preacher/pastor's grandmother!! I have walked the road ahead of you....! Now, we live a much quieter and slower life, [we are 77 and 80] in the Word and in Prayer and praise. God is so very gracious and good. My "word" for now is "HOPE", the gread assurance Hope of Tomorrow and the Hope of His Calling. Thank you for your insights!

  5. Dear Terri - I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. I know exactly how you feel as I had the same relationship with my father. The only small hope I have is that I knew my father was dying & in a hospital so I asked a pastor on staff to speak with him. He told me my dad was too far gone on medications and disease to have any response - but that we can hope he heard him and turned to the LORD at the final moments. Knowing him - I have my doubts - but nothing is impossible in the LORD. God bless and bring you peace.

    Sandi S. in Maryland

  6. Stopping by from Ann's Site. What a great idea for a celebration! Such a wonderful friend who decided to throw that party!

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dad, but saddened more so by his not wanting to hear or know of the God who offers every good gift. Praying that the God of peace reaches down and comforts you in the days to come!


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