My Adventurous Life

Heart thumping, hair flying, adrenaline coursing through my veins I ran around the tree hysterically crying. Behind me in hot pursuit was a flying squirrel; something one hardly sees in upstate New York.

A chance encounter with one on my way home from school had sent us both into a panic. Each of us trying to get away from the other but both going the same direction in the attempt.

I should have known at that moment that my life was going to be an adventure. How many times does the path of a six year old and a flying squirrel cross? Yet, my life has been a series of unusual, exciting and sometimes bizarre experiences. Some have caused exhilaration and excitement while others, heart pumping terror. All have shaped me and been used by God to draw me closer to Him.

I thought it would be fun to chronicle some of my adventures from time to time over the next few weeks and months. Kind of a fun way to reflect back over my life. To keep a journal for my children to read.

I'll be doing it a bit at a time and in short spurts so don't expect a book. Of course, some of you may be saying, "Thank you!" ;-)

Stay tuned for more segments!


  1. What a frightening experience Terri.

  2. Scary, but somehow funny too! ;)
    I look forward to reading more about your adventures! :)
    Have a great weekend Terri!


  3. You have more stories to tell than Mother Hubbard and her cupboard or was it the woman who lived in the shoe. I don't know but can't wait for the next chapter. :-)


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