Crafty Things

This week I was able to finish a table runner. Unfortunately, the picture quality wasn't the best on this so the color seems a bit off to me.


I have really been trying not to spend money on fabric and haven't bought anything new in about 7 months. I wanted to finish this runner but didn't have one piece of material that even came close to the right color for the back. I was so tempted to go out and buy some but decided that I was going to fight the urge.

A friend stopped by the other day and she brought me a stack of fabric. In the pile was a beautiful piece of fabric that was just the right color. I thought it was so cool how God provided something that was just a desire and not really a need.

Here is the back.


I also made 30 invitations to a ladies brunch in November. Of course, I forgot to take any pictures until after all the envelopes were sealed!

What have you been working on?


  1. That looks perfect! How lovely that your friend came along with the right fabric for you.

  2. Beautiful Terri...your house must be pretty all dressed for fall! :)


  3. I love the runner, Terri.. I was just sitting here thinking that I need to make myself one.. Although, it will not be as skilled as yours.. I am not a quilter.. Just prim stuff together... smile..
    And yes, God is a wonderful provider...even for the small things..

  4. So pretty ~ and so encouraging how God provides in such special ways!

    Weekend joys,


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