Multitude Monday

Impatience, irritation, frowning disposition, and a hard edge to my voice.

Things that I hate about myself and yet, struggle with almost every day. In my mind and heart I long to be gentle, kind, patient, and loving. However, harshness and severity seem to pour out of my mouth quite often.

I'm struggling with this. Struggling with it with my husband. With my children. With my church family.

Lord, help me.

How can the desire of my heart lose every time to the bad habits and sin that rises quickly to the surface? How can my countenance and words and emotions, betray the want of my heart?

Philippians 4:5 ~ "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

I'm afraid that gentleness is not evident to anyone in my life, especially those closest to me. It hurts me that I hurt those I love with my irritability and impatience.

Lord, change me.

My prayer every day is that the Lord would take the old habits. The impulsive words. The sinful attitude.

That He would mold me. Change me. Make me like Him.

That my gentleness would become evident to all. That my disposition would reflect the gentleness and love that He shows me each and every day.

Lord, let me be a reflection of You!

Perhaps that is the key to being gentle. Remembering that the Lord is near. He is there encouraging me, wanting me to get back up, brush myself off and try again. Desiring for me to reach out to Him for the ability to change this in myself.

Gentle Shepherd, let me lean on you for the strength to change.

Today I'm thankful for Blessings #671-681

♥ Hiking in the woods.


♥ A quiet week at home.

♥ Having a snack ready for the children every day after school.


♥ Voices singing in harmony.

♥ Time to write.

♥ The beauty of changing colors.


♥ Hearing kind words about Nathan from another fire fighter.

♥ Stephen, who has been cracking down and working hard on his school work.

♥ A daughter who is growing into a beautiful young lady.


♥ Family dinner.

and finally...

♥ The gentleness of the Lord.


  1. You are indeed blessed, Terri.
    I know about the impatience too, but with the Lord's help we can overcome.


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