Thanksgiving Photos

We had a full, but busy Thanksgiving. We were able to invite over a few people who would have been alone and that always makes me happy.

Nathan put his cooking skills to the test and made a beautiful apple pie. As for me, after making 17 pies, I would be perfectly happy never looking at another pie again! :-)

Friday is our traditional "Decorate the Tree" day and the kids did a great job with it. The only thing I do is put the lights on and they take care of the rest. It's nice now that they are older because I just turn them loose on it and they do it all.

A funny story - Dan and the children also helped decorate the church for Christmas for me. I was so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving plus selling the pies that much of the time they were by themselves. I went down to decorate the front of the sanctuary and couldn't find the advent wreathe anywhere. I looked through all the boxes and it was nowhere to be found. Then I happened to look up on the wall and there it was. They had mistaken it for a regular wreathe and hung it on the wall! LOL!!!


Today is my friend's vow renewal ceremony and anniversary party and tomorrow is church and small group. I'm looking forward to next week when I have absolutely NOTHING to do!!

How was your Thanksgiving?


  1. Great pics Terri! Are those really your children?? They've grown up way too quickly!! xxxxx

  2. How lovely that you will have NOTHING to do!

  3. Hi Terri,
    Last week when I saw all of your pies I couldn't believe it! I made just 2 from scratch but that is all I wanted to do!!

    I've been looking at all your posts and am so glad that you are able to stay home this year.
    I prayed for your son when you were called to school for him.

    I have enjoyed seeing Emily growing up. You have such a lovely family. I know you are proud of them.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting, I always visit yours but just don't take the time to comment. (I'll try to do better)

    Blessings to you, Donna

  4. Nothing to do...How will you ever stand it? LOL! :)

  5. Terri, Thanks for sharing your pictures. I enjoyed each and everyone of them. We went out of town to spend the holiday with my husband's annual trip we make every Thanksgiving.

    I love your tree. Can't wait to put our's up. We are decorating our Church on Monday, after our Women's Bible Study.

    Love, Debbi


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