Bits & Pieces

Here are a few bits and pieces of my life the past few weeks....

♥ My mother is having major back surgery on Monday so I'll be flying down to spend a few days with her to help out. I'll be leaving next Wednesday, the day she gets out of the hospital.

♥ I'm reading two really good books which are just a compilation of ideas...How to Encourage Your Husband and How to Encourage Your Children. Good stuff!

♥ I'm leading an online Bible study through I Peter and am really enjoying digging into this book.

♥ Our roosters, while pretty useless ;-), do provide hours of entertainment!


♥ Emily's bunny, Molly does the same! On a a side note, I never knew what funny personalities rabbits can have. When she wants to eat, she sticks her head under her food bowl which hangs off the side of her cage and bangs it out of the holder so we'll come running! If I try to give her a toy and she doesn't want it, she'll take it in her mouth and fling it away from her with such a little attitude. Too funny!


♥ Nathan will be receiving 10 hours of driver's training with an occupational therapist so he is on his way to getting his license.

♥ He also is receiving a job coach through the organization my husband works for and they will be trying to place him in a job this summer.

♥ The days are getting longer which is WONDERFUL! It's now light around 6 a.m. and stays that way until almost 6 p.m. I cannot wait until the clocks go ahead an hour in March! I need sunlight!!!

♥ Stephen has decided to attend the local community college and will be studying architecture (at least that's the plan right now). He'll then transfer to a four year college. We really didn't think it was a wise choice to get into huge debt given that the first two years of any college are generally core courses. The difference was either $35,000 per year (for the schools he was looking at) compared to $3,000 per year. YIKES!!!

♥ Stephen has been trying to find a job and I feel badly for him. He's applied at about 10 different places and no one in hiring or at least not hiring him. :-( He's frustrated because he wants to work and he needs to work to help pay for college but it's hard when you can't get hired. Prayers would be appreciated!

♥ I sold something on Etsy! Yee-haw!!!!!

♥ I finished up a custom order for a table runner too and it turned out so cute. I'll show pictures tomorrow.

♥ I'm busy sewing, sewing, sewing and trying to fill my Etsy shop as well as have items to take to a craft fair through the fire department on March 10th.

♥ I did want to thank all of you who read and comment on my blog. I wish I could respond to every last comment and if I'm asked a question, I do try to respond back in the comment box. However, if I tried to respond to every comment I'd never be off the computer! I'm trying to be disciplined with my computer time but I do appreciate you all!

Well, that's all the bits and pieces of my life. Now you can say that I officially bored you! LOL!!!!


  1. Not bored at all! Fabulous stuff about your etsy sale, woo hoo! Wishing the boys all the best, and sending hugs to your Mom. Please give her my love, I remember reading her blog in the past. Hugs to you too Terri! xx

  2. Say hi to your Mom - hope all goes well - I loved her blog :)
    I am following a 1 Peter study plan right now - what a coincidence! I am about half way through Elisabeth George's Putting on a quiet and gentle Spirit - it's my second time round of this plan - I love it!

  3. AND what a wonderful life you have to share with us.

    I will pray for Stephen. I am sorry he is feeling discouraged. I do think this is the wrong time of year to apply for a job BUT in a couple of months EVERYONE will be hiring for summer work. Hopefully, he will find something then.

    Also, I will pray for your mama and the doctor doing the surgery. My husband has had three back surgeries and all worked out well for him. I hope your mama comes out of this with flying colors.

    Love, Debbi

  4. You have been keeping busy too Terri!
    Hope that all goes well with your Mom's surgery and that you have a safe trip!


  5. Hi Terri,
    What a busy little bee you are. I will pay for your mama.

  6. Terri,

    I have been away : only just catching up with you all!
    It is very hard for our youngsters with the job scene, generally.
    I'm sure he will be taken up soon, tho'. Will pray. And for your Mom.
    My son is in a shoe shop, better than nothing but he got a good Music degree and wants a job where he can compose, publish his music etc etc
    It's a bit disappointing for them all at the moment,.. As Moms, we will just have to support them to be as resourceful as they can be and look into every avenue.
    Love, H xx

    Great news about Nathan's driver training!


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