Cast That Thing Away


I Peter 5:7 ~

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

In light of my whiny post from yesterday I'm posting this more for myself than anyone else!  The idea in this verse is not just to hand over your worries to God but to hurl them onto Him. In other words, throw them so far away from you that you won't be tempted to keep taking them back.

So often when I'm upset about something I'll talk about it constantly to Dan.  I think about it all day long.  I replay the situation over in my mind.  All that manages to do is keep the anxiety in the forefront.

Yet, when I pray and ask the Lord to work in the situation and then put it out of my mind, I really do start to feel better. But that takes discipline. It takes constantly taking every thought captive. It takes not mulling it over and over again and start thinking about other things.

When I'm anxious about something, I find that I can barely concentrate on anything else. My husband and children will try and engage me and I am so engrossed in my worry that I don't want to be interrupted and I find myself actually separating myself from my family.

I think that is why worry is a sin. The initial concern isn't but when you don't turn it over to the Lord it becomes a little idol in your mind.

I'm learning to drop the anxieties on the Lord's lap. I need to do it quicker but I'm learning.  I want to learn to hurl them as far away from me as I can! He is bigger than anything that concerns me so my goal is to let Him shoulder the burden. 

Today, I'm casting these burdens firmly on God's shoulders.  I'm having tea and gingerbread scones with a friend this morning and I'm going to rest my mind and my body and let God handle it!


  1. Are we twins?? Great post, and one I will return to. xxx

  2. I love this Bible verse and needed the reminder!

  3. The warm fireplaceMarch 23, 2012 at 6:59 PM

    A great post terri, i had to learn the hard way to hand over to God, through extreme stress i had a breakdown 14 years ago the by product has left me with epilepsy, it wrecked my life, but i think of God standing there before me and me handing over a bag full of all my worries, it may sound daft but it helps, i am keeping you in my prayers.
    God bless sue


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