The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I've had a mixture of the good, bad and ugly this week.


► Stephen did very well on his college placement exam.

► We had a wonderful work day at the church and the trees that fell on the lawn and property over the winter have been cut down and cut up and the place looks great.

► Nathan met with his job developer and the guy was extremely excited and encouraging about Nathan's experience with the fire department and rescue squad and we are on the way to finding a job!

► Gorgeous weather has been here every single day!


► Emily sprained her foot and is now wearing a boot for two weeks.  Just in time for.......TRACK!  It seems to now be a yearly Spring event with her.  Spring time = broken bone or injured limb.

► I spent Saturday night in the emergency room for 3 hours with possible heart attack symptoms.  Turns out it wasn't a heart attack.  My heart & blood pressure are fine.  It may just be stress.

► I've literally driven 200 miles in 4 days - doctor's appointments, driving Stephen to work and back, driving to school and back, driving to driving school, college for placement tests, etc.

► I can't go to my cousin's birthday party as planned because I don't want to chance taking our van all that way.

► Nathan has a sinus infection.


► Emily came home in tears today because the bus driver accused her of calling two kids very bad names.  She didn't do it but the driver handled the whole thing inappropriately and now I get the task of calling the school and bus company and dealing with unpleasantness which I hate.

► STRESS!  I feel so stressed and anxious this week.  My stomach has been churning all week.  I have a headache and just feel ill. 

I need to really settle and evaluate and pray and be calm but I need to find some time to do that!

Needless to say, there has been no crafting and will be no craft thread tomorrow.  I'm having a friend for tea in the morning and I'm hoping that this will weekend will be far more relaxed and help to just settle down.

God is good and I'm looking to Him for my strength but I just really needed to get that off my chest tonight.


  1. IT will get better! In some ways these are the "signs of life". That's why it's so hard for us as faithful Christians, to respond with love and caring for our 'enemies'. Then throw in not living with fear and doubt and it seems even more difficult. But you've identified the answer: time with God to settle and evaluate and pray. And it seems even harder when these interactions involve our beloved children. Hugs from Congers, Shirley

  2. I was given this devotional recently and it touched my heart at just the right time.... 1Chronicles 16:11; Matt:6:33 SAVE YOUR BEST STRIVING FOR SEEKING MY FACE. I am constantly communicating with you. To find me and hear My voice, you must seek Me above all else. Anything you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your conciousness. Instead of single-minded pursuing some goal, talk with me about it. Let the light of my presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits into my plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece. I will be praying for you as a Mom and for Emily.

  3. The warm fireplaceMarch 22, 2012 at 8:33 PM

    It sounds like you need some alone time with God, just him and you praying, stress is the by product of the lives we lead and as christians we always take on too much,step back and look at your life and see if it can be quietened down, i am glad you just got it off your chest that will help. love and prayers sue

  4. So sorry you are having a bad week. You do have lots to be thankful for too. Take it easy and trust God. Praying for you and your family.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  5. Oh dear...not a fun week for you! Praying things will look up soon!!!


  6. Terri, you must get some time out and soon. Stress is serious, and has wreaked havoc in my life, until like you, I ended up in the back of an ambulance, with a suspected heart attack. It made me sit up and pay attention! I quit my job and it took a year to piece things together again. Please, please heed the warning signs and do whatever it takes to make your life simpler. Love you! xxx

  7. Take care Terri, high blood pressure with stress can give you all the symptoms of heart problems. Try to find even an hour on your own with the Lord, rest and recuperate. Praying for your strength.

  8. Thank you ladies for your kind thoughts! I feel better in the light of a brand new day. I did remove a couple of the really whiny parts of my post! ;-) LOL!!!

    Thanks for the prayers!

  9. I'm proud of Stephen doing well on his college entrance exams and very thrilled that Nathan is getting help with his job counselor and that he is excited about Nathan's accomplishments.

    I hope Emily's foot heals quickly. I know she likes to dress up and look the part of a young lady but when she decides to put on the tom-boy hat, she needs to put on the appropriate shoes as well before she goes sprinting across the lawn. LOL!

    I'm so sorry that you are having a tough week. Sometimes those things happen while raising children. I'm sorry that Emily got accused of something that I know she would never do but sometimes that happens as well. I'm also sorry that you had to spend all that time in the ER but am glad that you had yourself checked last things not to have to worry about. Hope you are having a better time of it now. It is hard to learn to lean on the Lord and not do things in our own strength. Worry never has done us a bit of good but learning to lean on the Lord will. We need to learn to leave our burdens with him.

    Love you, Terri and praying for you.


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