Holy Ground

Earth's crammed with heaven
And every bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.

                                      ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning


I had the pleasure of walking by the Hudson River yesterday.  The sun was warm on my back and the air was fresh and sweet.  A memory of my childhood came back suddenly and it made me smile.

I was riding my bike down a hill with no hands.  My arms were sticking straight out on both sides like wings and I was singing a song by John Denver at the top of my lungs.

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry.
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely.
Sunshine almost always makes me cry."

Yes, it is a very sappy song!  But even at a young age I was very in tune with the beauty of God's world.  I remember at college walking and telling a friend how I was learning to see God's hand in something as simple as a leaf rustling in the tree.   And I was learning to give Him thanks for the little blessings in my life.


I want to make sure that I take time each day to stop and see His hand in everything around me.  I don't want to just pick the blackberries.  I want to recognize that I am on holy ground.  That all around me is a reflection of God's holiness.  It's so easy to miss unless you look for it.


Don't miss out on the blessings around you.  Stop today and just soak in His love.  Soak in His son.  Then you can really say, SONshine on my shoulders makes me happy!



  1. Wonderful post. I needed to read your blog this morning! xxx

  2. I really loved this...the whole of Nature reveals millions of aspects of God's beauty and diversity, IMHO.
    I am glad you had a peaceful little interlude, Terri.
    The Son has been warming my heart and face today, as well.
    xx H

  3. Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts, beautiful pictures. It is good to practice the presence of the Lord in everything that you do.

    I see that you posted this at midnight...you won't see the joy in things if your up all night and miss your rest.

  4. Alleluia! And the "Sun" is shining here today. God is good.

    Love, Debbi

  5. That was such a lovely post, thank you Terri.


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