Mending Fences


So powerful, so beautiful, so ugly.

They can tear apart fences with a quick flash of the tongue.


Just a word and the fence topples down. 

I'm ashamed to say that I tore down a fence with my words yesterday.  I felt a flash of anger and heat in my cheeks, words tumbled out and stones fell. The words themselves weren't horrible but the edge in my voice, the frown on my face and the angry tone were enough to cause a rift.

Ten minutes later I sang songs with my mouth and the words were words of praise.  Praise after angrily snapping at a friend. 

Conviction came swift and hard.  Tears filled my eyes and spilled onto my cheeks.  Tears of remorse and shame.  Tears of guilt.  Guilt that the mouth I praise my God with is also the mouth that can curse men.  Yet, here I was singing of God's forgiveness and mercy and grace.
James 3:9-10 ~ With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.

I needed to mend a fence yesterday.  I asked for forgiveness and mercifully, it was given. 


But I don't want to keep failing in this way.  I want to be quick to listen.  Slow to speak.  Slow to become angry.

So I keep praying that God will grant me the ability to keep my lips tight together if I feel irritation or anger. But more importantly, that the irritation and anger won't rise up inside of me so quickly.

I don't want to tear down fences because mending them is so difficult.  The fence weakens over time if it is continually torn down.  Eventually it can't be mended.

So I keep praying for grace.  Grace for myself and grace to give others.  Because grace is the key here.  Grace is undeserved forgiveness.  And don't we all require that? 

I've been given so much grace that it could fill an ocean, so shouldn't I be able to bestow grace for petty little annoyances?  That is my prayer and that is my goal.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #936-953.

♥ Learning to say no.
♥ Deep, dreamless sleep

♥ Gorgeous blossoms.

♥ A husband who rearranged his schedule to help.

♥ People being stretched and sharing how they came to faith in Christ.

♥ Windows open and warm breeze blowing in.
♥ Clean floors

♥ Breakfast with women

♥ Exercise
♥ Sitting outdoors and enjoying longer days.

♥ Jars of fresh made sauerkraut

♥ Watching birds

♥ Friendship

♥ Older helping younger

♥ New babies

♥ Hands working together to beautify

♥ Wonderful fellowship

And finally...

♥ Mending a fence



  1. Mending fences is something we all have to do, even if we don't like admitting it. Your heart of quick repentance shows what's really going on inside, Terri. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sending hugs, xxx

  2. It is very hard to humble ourselves and ask forgiveness when we have hurt someone for whatever reason but that is exactly what God wants us to do. When we do what God asks, forgiveness is given and hearts are restored. We become clean again and are in fellowship one with another.

    I am thankful that your heart is tender, Terri to the things of God and that you keep short accounts with Him and that you are quick to repent when you know you have done wrong. You are pleasing to the Lord when that is your response to sin. We all sin from time to time but it is our response to it that makes all the difference in God's eyes.

    I know that you are pleasing in His sight!

  3. I know the joy of a mended fence ...

    Thanks for splashing me with God's goodness today. I hope you don't mind if I wade around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into all good things.


  4. Terri, You are only "human" and we all fall short BUT YOU ARE gracious and wise enough to ask for forgiveness. That is a very hard thing to do. I bet you felt so much better when you asked and you were forgiven.

    Love you, Debbi


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