My Journey


Seventeen months ago I decided to begin a weekly journey to walk in thankfulness.  To be thankful for the good things.  Thankful for the bad things.  Thankful for the big things.  Thankful for the little things.  Thankful for the easy things.  Thankful for the hard things.

I joined in at Ann Voskamp's blog, A Holy Experience each Monday and began counting my blessings.  My goal was to get to 1,000 blessings.

Today I have reached that goal.  In looking back, it's been a good journey.  One in which I realize that even in the counting and seeing God's blessings that I still struggle at times.  My first reaction to things isn't always positive or joyful or thankful.  Yet, I'm aware of it now.  I'm aware that I should be thankful and I usually find the ability to give thanks.  My desire is to let it become second nature.

So while I'm getting there, I haven't arrived.  Nor am I ready to stop trying.  So even though I reach 1,000 blessings today I'm going to keep going.  Keep striving to have a heart that sings thankfulness automatically.  That breathes it out as instinctively as my lungs breathe in and out air.

I'm going to continue along this path of thanksgiving.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #989-1,000.

♥ Birds singing.

♥ Time to reflect & write.

♥ Warm sunshine.

♥ A joyful time of worship.

♥ God's financial provision during tight times.

♥ The smell of fresh cut grass.

♥ Much needed rain.

♥ Meeting new friends.

♥ Encouragement from other pastors.
♥ Good sales at the local community market.

♥ The satisfaction of a job well done.

And finally...

♥ This journey in thankfulness.


  1. Congratulations on reaching your goal. That is an achievement in itself and I can see where you have grown and matured in the process.

    None of us may always achieve our desired goals before Jesus comes but the important thing is that your are always pressing on toward the goal of being more like Jesus every day.

    I commend you in your faithfulness in your walk with the Lord and your heart committment towards Him.

    Love Mom

  2. Congratulations on reaching you goal, Terri. I have enjoyed reading your Monday posts.

    I have the 1,000 gifts book........but that is another book I haven't read yet.

    Have a blessed week. Our weather has been perfect the last few days but the rain is coming back.

    Love you,

  3. Yay you! I love reaching goals. And that is a very attractive wind chime!


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