Thrifty Thursday

I thought for today's post I would talk about frugal gardening.  It's that time of the year again when many want to get their hands in dirt and plant something.  But this can be very costly if you are not careful.

Some ways I've cut down on gardening costs this year is by doing the following:

► I saved all my planters from last year to reuse.  I know this sounds like a "duh" moment but generally, I've thrown them out.  I'm not talking about the heavy duty, expensive ones but the cheap, white plastic hangers.  Last year I decided to save them because as I was thinking about it, I realized how much cheaper it would be to just purchase some seeds or small plants and sow them directly into the planters.  I also wish I had kept the little 4-pack boxes that you get when you purchase vegetables or flowers because I could really use those right about now.

► This past weekend I was at the farmer's market selling bread and wandered over to another vendor who was selling plants.  I ended up spending $19 on flowers that would have cost me $48 in the store or garden center.  It was a church that was selling plants as a fundraiser.  So make sure you check out those little plant sales you see by the side of the road.  You never know when you will save money.

► I decided to start my seeds indoors this year rather than purchase the plants from the gardening center.  For $18 (the cost of seeds and those plastic mini-greenhouses with the dirt pellets) I have 144 plants growing.  The same amount of plants that I normally would purchase from the garden center would cost me $75.

► I was driving down a dirt road the other day when I saw three huge piles with a sign on them saying, free mulch, compost and chips for town residents.  I'm planning on going back with some garbage bags and getting some mulch or chips for my flower beds.  Look for those type of deals.


► See if a friend has some compost you can have for your garden.  Most people are happy to share and that will save you big!

► Start your own compost pile.  It's free.  It's easy.  It's good for the garden!

► Ask a friend if they have some flowers they are ready to separate and are willing to share.  I love receiving plants and never turn them down.  It's a way to make the yard beautiful with a low or no cost solution.

► Barter with a friend and see if they would be willing to come and till your garden rather than purchasing a tiller in exchange for some service you can do for them.

► This year I'm planning on saving my seeds and using them next year.

I'm sure there are lots of other ways you can save in this area.  Do you have anything you do to save money in the garden?

Don't forget tomorrow is Crafty Things and if you are working on a craft project, feel free to link up!


  1. I save the ash from the fire - that goes round hostas and so the slugs keep off them.
    I have "puddle ponds" - an upturned dustbin lid or a washing up bowl filled with water from the frogs and toads - this keeps down the slug population so I no longer use slug pelletts.
    Place a brick of stone in the "pond" so the frogs can get out and also some cover for them to hide. birds drink from these ponds too.
    When I find a ladybird I place her on my roses - an aphid feast for her!
    Learn how to propogate by cuttings, layering and divisions - saves a fortune.
    If you buy a plant look for one that can be divided to make another one.
    This year I have overwintered last year's pelargoniums - This has saved about £20-£30.
    Look out for the free plant offers where you just pay postage. You don't need to buy the magazine - just go to the seed/plant merchant's web site.
    When you eat tomatoes/peppers/courgette (zucchini) remember that the seeds can be cleaned and dried and sown.
    Save plastic pots for planting and inner cardboard tubes planted up can then be put straight in the ground. Plastic bottles make good cloches and drip waterers (hole in lid and turn upside down into the pot)
    Oops sorry Terri - have gone on and on - I love gardening :)

  2. No need to apologize; I love those tips! I wish you lived closer so I could pick your brain. My gardening skills leave a lot to be desired!

  3. Agree with all Lynn says, especially taking cuttings that saves pounds.
    We ahve always had a compost bin and that is so good for roses etc.
    Vegetable plants..we always plant seeds and then swap or give away the plants that are just too many.

  4. Lots of good ideas. My way of saving my money is to have my kids buy me hanging baskets for Mother's Day. HE! HE! HE!

    Can't wait to get out and dig in the dirt.

    Love you,

  5. Great tips Terri. Most of the flowers in my flower garden are "hand-me-downs" from my mom and sister, in fact my mom just gave me several more plants to put in.
    I have tomato and pepper starts growing indoors right now and will be starting more seeds soon. If more than I need germinates, I pass them on to friends for their gardens.
    Have a wonderful day!


  6. There is a garden club plant sale coming up that I am looking forward to going to ~ last year I got a good size chive plant at it for a good price and it is doing so well this year.

    You have great tips, Terri.

    Have a blessed weekend,


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