Multitude Monday

I had some reminders this week.  Reminders of what really matters in my life.  

► My relationship with God.

► My husband and children.

► My church family & friends.

Sometimes I need that reminder.  I can get caught up in things that while are good, aren't necessarily beneficial to me.  I can get my priorities mixed up.  I can sometimes get my focus on the wrong things.  When that happens, I get overwhelmed, distracted, anxious and frazzled. 

I'm glad when God pulls me up short to remind me of the important things.  It helps get my head back where it should be and focused on where He wants me to look, which is to Him and the people in my life that I interact with on a daily basis.  And when that happens, I feel peaceful, focused, calm and steady.

Reminders can be very good! 

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1,048-1,060.

♥ Beautiful colored birds.


♥ Family Dinners.


♥ A loving husband.
♥ A quiet spot for coffee and God's word.


♥ Hope that God gives.
♥ New life.


♥ Watching my son sprint to a fire call.


♥ Pouring over pictures from my life and reminiscing.
♥ My daughter turning into a beauty.


♥ Gorgeous flowers in the garden.


♥ Enjoying life.
♥ First corn on the cob of the season.


And finally....

♥ Reminders of what is really important.


  1. Great blessings & photos! Wish we had some warm sunshine on our coast! :)


  2. Hi Terri, sharing books is fun so just share the two I sent you anyway you like! God bless your family and your day!


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