Lessons From My Children

There have been many lessons in my life that my children have taught me.  I'm pretty sure that they don't even know I've learned anything from them but the lessons have been huge.  I'm listing ten lessons I have learned from them, though I know there are a multitude!

Lesson #1: God's plan is so much larger than we could ever imagine.


Lesson #2: Stop blabbing so much and just enjoy one another.  Sometimes, a hug is all that needs to be said.


Lesson #3: Children need the guidance of the older generation.

Lesson #4: Children feel things deeper than you think and given the opportunity, will tell you how much they love you.

Lesson #5: Stop being so stinkin' busy with the unimportant and take time to enjoy God's creation!

Lesson #6: Sons really need their dads!

Lesson #7: Trust God and stop worrying so much.  He has it under control.

Lesson #8: It's okay to be yourself!  God made us each unique with different gifts.  Be who God made you to be!IMG_6274

Lesson #9: Sons learn how to treat women by watching how their father treats his wife.

Lesson #10: God gives us family in order to teach us to grow, love, forgive, and show grace!

I love the lessons I have learned from my children!

It's Loving Our Children Tuesday at my friend Kate's blog.


  1. Terri...this is a GREAT list!! And I love the pictures.

  2. Great post Terri, and I love the pics, especially the family one at the end. :)

  3. Great lessons...thank you for sharing! Love the family picture!


  4. What a nice family photo! May God bless your family, Terri!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  5. What great lessons, waht lovely pictures of your family, you must be so very proud.
    God bless sue

  6. A great post Terri- thanks!
    blessings on you and your lovely family


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