Expectations in a World Content With Smallness


I've been thinking about expectations and dreams the past few days.  Ever since I was a young girl, I've had expectations and dreams for my life.  Dreams of doing something important in the world. Not dreams of being important, but dreams of making a difference.  Dreams of having my life mean something. 

The only problem with that is that most of the world is small.  I think that many people fall into the trap of being content with the status quo. I don't want to lose my excitement and enthusiasm for life.  I don't want to ever get to the point where I become content with being stagnant!  I think when that happens, people can become apathetic.

Some of my expectations:

♥ I expect to see my children succeed and live productive lives.  I want them to trust in God and do something meaningful.

♥ I expect to see our church grow.  It concerns me when I hear people say they love a small church because to me that means we are not reaching our community.  We've gotten to the point where we are inward focused.

♥  I expect  to do things with excellence. That doesn't mean it's always perfect, but I certainly expect to work at something to the best of my ability and even beyond!

♥ I expect my children to love learning and want to challenge their minds.  I don't want them to just get good grades.  I want them to love the process of learning.

♥ I expect my son with disabilities to achieve something with his life that will encourage others.

♥ I expect to be in a constant state of learning, and growing and stretching my mind.  I like the challenge of learning something new.

♥ I want to do things with gusto, energy and enthusiasm.  So if I'm going to be a stay at home mom, I want to do it well.  If I lead a Bible study, I want to do it well.  If I decorate for an event, I want to do it well.  Get the picture? :-)

I know that's kind of different in today's society.  I think most people are pretty content with the way things are.  Sometimes I think I'm kind of an odd duck.  Dan feels exactly the same way so we'll splash in the puddles of life together! ;-)

I would never want to give up my dreams and expectations.  That is what makes life more interesting.  So I'll continue to dream and hope and expect.  My desire is to live my life to the fullest and to do it well!


  1. I'm with you Terri, I will splash in the same puddle with you!!

    1. Thanks Jody. It's good to know I'm not alone!

  2. splashing along too!


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