Multitude Monday

Yesterday, I watched my daughter go through a struggle and deal with learning to be joyful in the midst of disappointment. 

It was hard.

We want to keep your children from disappointments and it is especially difficult, when their disappointment is a result of your life and career choices.


What was supposed to be a special outing had to be canceled for various, unforeseen reasons.

There were tears and she was disappointed.  Dan & I took her to the local park.

We walked. We talked.  

"You have a choice."  " A choice to let this ruin your day or enjoy a different activity."  "You can choose joy or you can choose dissatisfaction and unhappiness."  That is a choice we all have.

A choice to deliberately walk in the way of thanksgiving or to decide to be in constant war with your circumstances.

Much of the time she walked ahead, struggling with herself.


This life of choosing is not easy.  Many times I don't set the best example.  She hears me complain quite a bit.  She hasn't always seen her parents respond the right way during our times of disappointment and heartache.

It's part of the human factor, this ongoing desire to never want disappointment.  To always want things to go our way.  To want to stamp our feet and insist on our "rights."  To rail at God in our disappointment and hurt.   In reality, life doesn't always go our way.  There will be heartache, disappointments and failure.  

It's the way it is.  Even though I want to protect my children from these things, I can't.

The gift I can give them is to see a mother who deals with disappointments the right way.  To see me joyful.  To choose the way of thanksgiving.

After walking alone, she started hanging back and letting us catch up.  She began to smile a bit.  She walked arm and arm with me.  She gave her dad a hug.


By last night, she was back to her smiling, happy self.  She wrestled with her disappointment and came out the other side stronger.  Hopefully, she learned a bit more about what it means to be joyful "in the midst."


I know I have.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1,251-1,260.

♥ Sweater weather.

♥ Roast chicken, warm from the oven.

♥ Sun through the trees.


♥ The smell of toast.

♥ The crackling of heaters.

♥ Sleepy kittens.

♥ Pansies still in bloom after a frost.

♥ Christmas orders coming in.

♥ Stephen, who after working hard, got excellent grades on his midterms.

♥ A good start to my goal to organize things. 

♥ Beautiful scenery only 5 minutes from home.

♥ Warm cups of tea with my husband.

♥ Catching up on laundry.

♥ Autumn colors and a warm day.

And finally...

♥ A lesson being learned.


  1. Just beautiful, love your blog I always feel very refreshed when reading here, sorry I am not here more often trying to work on that and get back to blogging myself. Have a great day. Hugs

    1. Hi Barbara! Thank you for your sweet comments and it's good to "see" you. :-) I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you have a blessed day.

  2. Terri , I always enjoy your blog. I have had to learn the lesson you are teaching today. I have had to teach it to my children and to many church kids too!
    We are all happier when we just learn to accept it with the realization that God is in control and this is what is best for us today.
    If you want the best for your life, Let God Choose.
    Blessings to you, Cyber Friend.


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