The Best Christmas Gift Ever

I promised you all that I'd let you know what Dan's secret gift was.  First of all, this picture cracks me up.  Trying to get him to pose and smile normally is next to impossible! lol  I usually have to wait and catch him when he's not looking.

Okay, now on to the gift.

Dan has been working on a used laptop for the past three years.  About 7 months ago it died totally.  He has been handwriting his sermons and trying to squeeze in time to type them on my computer when he can.  It hasn't been ideal, but he never complains.  So this was something we really wanted to do for him.  That's why I struggled when we gave away the money I had saved.  I had so wanted to give him something he could use and would never expect to get!

It was wonderful to see how God provided the funds again for us to do this for Dan and it was really fun to surprise him this way. 

The boys got it all set up for him and he's as happy as a clam! 

It has been a very nice Christmas here.


  1. Terri,

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us. Merry Christmas my friend. God is faithful and sees your generous heart. May He continue to show you how much He loves you. :)

    Lisa M Buske

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well!

  2. That is so cool! I've been waiting to hear all about it


  3. That really is a nice and useful gift! Glad you had a nice Christmas. We did here too.

  4. What a wonderful gift for your hubby, and how great that you were all able to keep it a surprise!
    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, God Bless!



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