Thrifty Thursday: Decorating

It's Thrifty Thursday and I thought I'd talk about decorating your home on a shoestring budget.

I've had two different people in the past few weeks tell me how much they like my house and that feels so homey to them.  The funny thing is that Dan & I have been in ministry since we were first married and have never had money for furniture or decorations.  With the exception of about 3 pieces of furniture, the entire house, top to bottom are either hand me downs or gifts. 

I think the reason that it does feel that way is that I try to add little touches to make this house feel like a home.  They are just things that pull it together and make it warm and inviting.

I have things that have been gifts that are meaningful to me and try to surround with those things.


I tend to stick with classic colors that will go with anything.  I'm not into trendy items.

I've added decorations that cost next to nothing, such as these hearts, that pull colors together.

 I always have lots of candles burning in the evening which adds warmth to a room.

I generally dress up the table at dinner time, even if it's just the 5 of us.

I try to arrange the furniture in a way that makes it natural to converse with one another.

and lastly,

When we do have company, I try to make them feel welcome no matter their age.  I do this by knowing their likes and dislikes and trying to accommodate them. 

You don't have to spend a fortune to make your house look warm and inviting and also a place where your family is comfortable.


  1. Your house looks so welcoming. I'm sure that I could walk into it and feel at home.

  2. Lovely post, Terri, your home looks very cosy and welcoming. xx

  3. You have a lovely home, Terri. It looks so comfortable and welcoming. You have such talent in making things that are pretty for your home. Also you have a loving family and love for others and that's what makes a house a home. I wish I lived closer to vist!!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Thanks ladies! Kathy, I often think it would be so neat to meet my fellow bloggers/readers in person! We'd have a great time. :-)


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