Busy as a Bee


I took this photo quite a few years ago.  I'm so tired of winter and long for warm weather, flowers and sunshine so I'm staring longingly at this picture.  I posted it though because I have been so busy lately and I feel like this bee, flitting from one thing to the next.

I'd love to do nothing but sit on the computer and work on my book, but there are so many things around here that I need to focus on as well.   

♥ There are meals to make.

♥ A daughter that must be educated.

♥ A house to clean.

♥ An Easter egg hunt and craft day to plan.  Can you believe that Easter is only a week and a half away?  We got a snow storm last night so we'll have to see how this egg hunt plays out for Saturday the 30th.  :-)

♥ Thank you notes to write.  God has blessed us in so many ways lately and from the most unexpected places. 

♥ Crafts to sew.

♥ Church work to be done.

Like I said, busy ~ busy ~ busy!

One of the things I did manage to do the past few days is set up a website for my book.  I'm so excited and feel like pinching myself a couple of times a day! lol

It is still a work in progress, but so far I'm pleased.   Here is the link...

Terri Groh, Author

I have a blog tour coming up the first few weeks of April, with different bloggers reviewing the book or allowing me to be a guest blogger.  I will list those blogs and dates next week.  Lots of exciting things happening.

I hope you are all having a blessed day!   


  1. So excited for you Terri. I'm the same way, there are a couple of projects I would like to focus primarily on, but my husband and children seem to think they need to eat everyday, have clean clothes and some of my attention. What's up with that? :-)
    God does give us passions to glorify Him, praying for you as you seek to honor Him in everything and balance.

    1. LOL!!! I know! I don't know why they just can't be happy with one meal a day. lol Have a blessed day, Jody!

  2. Terri, Our Pastor quoted the Bible on Sunday...."Be still and know I am God". Then he said, "It's not be 'busy' and know I am God". :-)

    I am so happy that you are doing some things for yourself. I know you are happy that you are working on something you have really wanted to do for a long time. Way to go, girlfriend.


    1. Don't worry; I have my moments of stillness too, Debbi. :-) This is a good busy because I'm doing exactly what I know God has called me to do so there is a peace in it! Have a blessed day.

  3. Busy, busy lady! Just make sure to take some quiet time for yourself! ;D
    Looking forward to your book being released!


    1. Thanks Nadine! I hope your day is blessed.


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