Bloom Where You are Planted

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It is almost ten years ago to the day, when we started our ministry here.  Dan & I had spent ten years in an inner city in New Jersey, ministering to the powerless, poor, and oppressed.  Coming to a small, rural community seemed like the other side of the moon.  However, though the scenery changed, the similarities in people's circumstances are surprisingly similar.

It's been ten years of tough times.  Ten years of mountain top experiences and ten years of very, deep valleys.  There were days (and still are at times) when we want to throw up our hands and just say, "I give up."

But yesterday, I was reflecting on how it has also been ten years of blooming where God planted us.  I've seen my husband grow and stretch into an amazing teacher and pastor.  I've seen him mature into a wonderful man of God.

I've grown too.  I went from a timid, unsure of myself woman into a much more self-confident one.  Talents and abilities that I didn't even know were in me have bloomed here.   I never thought I'd be able to encourage others or sew or write a book or do any of the things that I've learned to do.

The Lord has used this small group of people that we've had the privilege of pastoring for ten years to help us both bloom.  We've bloomed here because we've learned to persevere through hardships.  

We've bloomed because we have a wonderful group of people who allow us to try new things.  They don't say things like, "We've never done it that way before." or "We like our traditions."  We've bloomed because we have stepped out in faith and kept our eyes on God.  We've bloomed because God is faithful and continues to nudge us out of our comfort zone.

Blooming is painful at times.  It is not easy.  It takes a long time.  But, What a beautiful scent permeates the air and what a gorgeous sight awaits your eyes when one is in full bloom!  

God will sometimes puts you in a hard place.  It's not one you would have chosen for yourself.  Yet, when you walk in faith and keep your eyes on Him and look for the ways to grow and stretch, you can bloom where you are.
This week I continue to count blessings #1561- 1571   

 ♥ The grass getting greener.

♥  A wonderful afternoon with a friend.

♥ A great week of school.

♥ Good book reviews.

♥ A box of books ready to go to a ladies retreat.

♥ A night out with my husband.

♥ A great time of fellowship.

♥  New visitors at church.

♥  Paying off a debt.

♥  A father who spends time with his daughter.

and finally...

♥ Blooming where I am planted.


  1. Blooming is an interesting process sometimes. When I moved in my house in 1986, I noticed plants coming up on the side of my house. They grew in a circular pattern. No flowers, though. I was going to dig them up, but my cat loved laying in the middle, so I left them. Several years went by and one spring, I notice a bud. Well, what do you know? It was a clump of Japanese irises! I left it there and it gave me a few blooms every year.

    Then one year, I decided to revamp my front yard. I dug up the irises and put them along the front of my house. Guess what? They get more sun there and every year, I get TONS of bright purple blooms!

    We can only bloom where we're planted. But if we aren't blooming to our potential, sometimes, God has to move us. I try to remember that as things in my life change and I don't know why.

    1. Good point, Pam! Thank you for sharing that thought too. Transplanting can be a good thing.

  2. So have green grass. Ours is still...brown.
    Happy Monday.

    1. It happened overnight, Jody. About 2 weeks ago it was totally brown and then, poof! green!

  3. Oh, Terri, I'm sure your congregation has been blessed these past 10 years with your husband pastoring them and with you for all you do for them. They are lucky to have you all. Praying for many more years of happy service.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. I also left NJ for the rural mountains of PA. So far, I have been blooming, but there are times when I do feel as if I am just passing through.

    I just stopped by from Elizabeth's place and would like to ask you if you are going to offer your book for the Kindle.

    Have a blessed day! m.

    1. Hi Maria! I'm glad you stopped by. I do plan to make it available on Kindle at some point in the near future. I'm just not sure how soon that will be. I'll definitely post when that happens.


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