Brown, Black and White

Note: This is a repost from a few years ago, but I still feel the same today!

Revelation 7:9-10 ~ After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."


Nothing breaks my heart like hearing fellow believers spewing hatred about other races. I'm pretty sure it breaks God's heart too. How it must sadden Him to hear His children destroying one another with their tongues. Dan & I actually had a Christian gentleman come up to us one time and say that he felt sad that his grandchildren were growing up in a country where whites were becoming the minority. :-(

I have noticed that when some Christians comment on sin in a Caucasian person, they talk about his sin. When the same observation is made about a non-white person, they will criticize their race. The sinfulness is made out to be a deficiency within the person's race. Phrases such as....

"Those Mexicans...."

"Blacks tend to...."

"Arabs are....."

This has been weighing heavily on me for a long time. There will come a day when we stand before the Lord and He calls into account our every word. There is also coming a day when we will stand shoulder to shoulder with Latinos, Africans, and Asian people. We will all be lifting up our hands and voices and praising the Father.

How terrible it would be to have face God and have to explain to Him why we chose to tear apart people who were made in His image. I used to love to sing the song, "Jesus Loves the Little Children" to my kids when they were young. Red and brown, black and white. They are all precious in His sight.

I'm actually looking forward to the day when I will worship before the throne of God with my Middle Eastern, African, Asian, European and Caucasian brothers and sisters. What a day of rejoicing that will be!


  1. oh, Terri, there is so much I could say about this. Thank you for being so sweet and honest.

    I've always had a hard time with people who have racist views. I have 3 adopted siblings who are black. An older adopted sister who is Native American.
    My little sister dates a Hispanic boy. and my other little sis dates a Korean man.

    So absolutely no racism in our family but we have been touched by it on many occasions. When my younger siblings were little, my Mom would face funny stares and rude comments whenever she had all the kids out together. Just because they are adopted doesn't mean we ever thought of them as adopted. They were our family, just as if they had been born in our family.

    In the town where we used to live there was a negative view of the Hispanics. But I would volunteer at school and see those sweet little kids with their big brown eyes and my heart would melt. They were always very neat, tidy and spotlessly clean. And those little Hispanic kids were the most respectful and polite kids I've ever encountered. I had one little guy (Carlos) ask me one time if I had a boyfriend. I said, "Well, Carlos, I'm married and have children of my own." He frowned and looked up at me.
    "Then do you think I could be your secret boyfriend?"
    Oh, I could have just squeezed him!
    "Of course, you can be my special secret boyfriend."
    He was so sweet.

    See, i told you I could go on and on about this. Maybe I should visit this on my blog with a post.

    I'm with ya, I look forward to the day when all tribes, tongues and nations worship the returned SAvior!!! Oh, what a day that will be!!!

    God bless you, Terri!

  2. This was a great post, and I couldn't agree more!

  3. A very good post Terri - thank you for sharing.


  4. Hi Terri,
    Great Post. I notice on Sundays when the children leave to go to children church how there are children of all races hand in hand walking together. They don't know what racism is. Oh how I wish adults could be like the children.

  5. Excellent Post! Too bad, we all don't see people like our saviour does...He definitely was color blind!

    I also appreciated all the responses that you got on this post. Especially Lisa's.

  6. Terry, I have been following your blog for over 2 yrs now, a lady from the church I was attending gave me the link. I cant tell you how blessed I have been to read your recent post from 4/18/13. The heart of True Love from God that you address this issue with has soo blessed my heart; and challenged me to repent for the wrong thinking and saying that I have had come from my lips or be even in my thinking; oh how sad I am that I have called myself protecting myself or defending myself with the same garbage that the enemy uses to have use tear each other down and yes, as you put it sadden the heart of the Father. Please forgive me for being so transparent but, I believe that is what the body of Christ is lacking, trust and True Love for each other not looking at or judging each other based on the shell we are in or the background or culture we come from but, True Love that can only come from us sitting at the feet of the Father and being cleansed continueally of all this earthly junk and receiving the healing of the blood of Jesus. I so appreciate your transparency and honesty and again your expression of True Love. Forgive me for being long winded but, I had to let you know I stand convicted and corrected, repented and cleansed! Thank you Jesus, and Thank you Terry for being his servant! Love you in Jesus, Sandy


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