
It's hard to believe that it's almost midway through the month of May.  I've been trying to figure out what I've done the past nine days.

I know I've done the following....

♥ School with Emily.

♥ Spent last Saturday selling at a private shopping party.

 ♥ Made cookies.

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 ♥ We have a Phoebe who built her nest on our porch.  I had to stand on a stool and hold the camera over my head to take this picture, but it didn't turn out too bad.

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I discovered a broken egg on the porch on Saturday and when I took this picture a friend pointed out the different colored egg.  It turns out cow birds push out the eggs of other birds and lay their own in it's place and then abandon the egg and baby to be hatched and raised by another.  Nice mother, huh?

♥ Finished Dan's birthday surprise.

♥ I've been crafting.
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I laughed out loud when I took this picture yesterday.  I must have been asleep when I made this apron.  I never realized that when I cut it out that the pattern on the fabric was upside down.  I never even noticed until I took the photo.  Sigh.  I guess I have a new apron since I can't sell it like that!

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♥ Delivered copies of my book to a local store, featuring local artists and authors.  It's in a small shopping plaza and the partners voted to include my book.  Yay!

♥ Ordered and received invitations for our 25th wedding anniversary.  We will be renewing our vows. 

♥ Umpteen loads of laundry.

♥ I'm honestly thinking about not doing the garden this year.  It's the first time in ten years but it never does well and I have a very fat woodchuck roaming around and it destroyed the little crop I did have.  What it didn't get, the bugs got.  

Well, that's about it.  I'm trying to just focus on the tasks at hand each day and plod through my day!


  1. I like the apron, upside fabric and all ;D But not gardening? how about just a couple of pots around your entrance brimming with color? your day will truly be brightened :)

    Grace & Peace to you Teri... m.

  2. The good thing about the apron, is that whoever is wearing it will be able to enjoy the pattern when they look down!

    1. ROFLOL!!!!!! That's a good way to look at it.


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