Happy Birthday, Nathan

Twenty-two years ago at 3:41 p.m., the doctors laid my 8 lb. 15 oz., 21" long, piercing blue eyed, beautiful boy in my arms after 15 hours of hard labor.  I only got to hold him for a few moments before the roomful of doctors and nurses whisked him away, concerned for him.  I'm glad that at the time I had no clue that there was something wrong.  Nathan's whole life has been one of achieving things most people said he would never be able to do.  

• The pediatrician doubted he would be able to speak well, yet, with speech therapy, he achieved that milestone. 

• The little boy who was petrified of everything, stood in front of a crowd at his Kindergarten graduation and told his father and I why he loved us.

• The child who never learned to read beyond a 5th grade level, recently sat and read a novel about firefighting and got the gist of it.

• The endocrinologist  who said he would be lucky to make it to 5'1" is amazed at how four years of growth hormones helped this man who is now 6' tall.

• The little boy who was terrified of loud noises, including fire sirens, is now a lieutenant on the fire department.

•  The child who struggled to communicate, can if he is given some time, articulate deep emotions and feelings better than some of the most  articulate men and women.

•  This young man who struggles to learn new things, shows a perseverance that puts most of us to shame.

•  The teen who stuck to us like glue five years ago, recently received employee of the month, and is noted for being friendly and social to customers at the store.

•  The young man who has multiple disabilities manages a job, being a volunteer fireman, and his life in general with amazing ability.

God had a plan for that little baby and He still has a plan for this young man who turns 22 years old today.

Happy Birthday, Nathan!  Your Dad & I love you and are so proud of you.


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes Terri! Happy Birthday to Nathan, I hope he has a wonderful day! God knew what he was doing when he gave Nathan his parents. xxx

  2. I remember that Kindergarten graduation like it was yesterday Terri! So proud of how far he has come and excited for the future. God is Good!

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your son. We were talking about miracles in our Bible Study last night. I couldn't help but think that all the things you said about Nathan are miracles for sure.

    Have a wonderful day of celebrating with your son. I bet you have lots of great things planned for him.


  4. I have tears in my eyes now, Terri. You and Dan have a special son with God-given talents that makes the world a better place. I want to wish Nathan a happy 22nd birthday and may he accomplish many more wonderful things in the coming year. I will be expecting to read about them.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  5. Happy Birthday to Nathan! He has achieved so much Terri, you must be so proud of him.

  6. It's awesome to read all the milestones that Nathan has achieved in his 22 years. God is so good and especially in giving Nathan the parents that he has. God has used you to nurture Nathan and you and Dan have done a marvelous job.

    Nathan has shown such a desire to be "normal" that through his hard work has achieved so much. He is a very special young man. And the wonderous thing is, God is not finished with him yet.

    Happy Birthday, Nathan! You are amazing and should be very proud of all your accomplishments. We are so proud of you!

    Love Grandma

  7. I have been away from my blogs and my blog reading list for a while and am now sat catching up...hence my late comment on this beautiful post Terri. Nathan - Happy belated birthday! Whilst I don't know you personally, I recognise in your Mom's words, the kind of young man you are and the incredibly courageous spirit God put inside of you. I am blessed to be Mom to a little boy who beats the odds and walks all over the negative words spoken over his life, with big man-sized boots. In my eyes Nathan, you are a here young man! I pray that God will bless you with His Shalom blessing and Presence... and that you will always hear His voice deep within... May you know more and more miracles and may He spoil you with only good things! x

  8. Happy Birthday Nathan! We haven't seen you since you were a little one but we want you to know how proud we are of you & your great accomplishments! You are AMAZING & don't ever allow anyone to EVER let you think otherwise. We're also so proud of your awesome parents who were the 1st 2 people to ever work in our company, back then "United Consumers Club" (today DirectBuy). While they were still in college, We had some wonderful & memorable times with them. Your dad never waivered in his dream to pastor his own church, & your mom has always been an encourager to others & is so talented. They are so special to us - I'm sure you know you are a lucky guy to have them both on your side! Keep walking with The Lord & there's no limit to where you'll go! You are a perfect example of the scripture, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! God bless you, Nathan!
    Love, June & Larry Grossman


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