Shifting Shadows

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I'm not sure what's going on with me, but this has been such an up and down kind of year.  I have high moments and then when the low moments come, they are really low.  This week has been one of those low times.  

► Some of it could be I've been sick and on very strong antibiotics, which make me feel sicker than the actual illness!  
► Some of it is that I feel very isolated.  
► Some of it could be that I'm 51 and perhaps, this is just a sign of the beginnings of menopause.  
► Some of it could just be because I'm human, frail and weak and this is the way life goes.

My life, at times, feels like a yo-yo. I'm so thankful that I serve a God whose very nature is steady, unchanging and constant.

I love this verse in James 1:17 ~ "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

There is no wavering and flickering with God.  He is always present.  He does not shift.

During those valleys I experience, I've been trying to remember that and to keep my eyes focused on Him.  I've been remembering the numerous times He has proved Himself faithful.  I've been taking it one step at a time.

I'm so glad that I have a relationship with the Lord who does respond based on His "mood" and does not change like shifting shadows!


  1. I've been there too. It'll be ok. Praying for you and sending hugs, xxx

  2. I am really sorry! Your post sounds so much like me. I really can relate to all that you wrote about and want you to know that you are not alone! Reading your post helps me see that I am not alone. Thanks for being so real and vulnerable! Praying for you!

    1. Thank you, Mari Beth. It is nice to know I'm not alone!

  3. I know that feeling too. I hope you are back on an upswing soon :)

  4. My guess would be the part about being 51 and all the other things combined with that. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. I'm surprised no has said so but with your age, I would definately say it's menopause. I started in with it at age 50 and my emotions were all over the place too!

    Talk to your doctor about it, he may recommend something. I went on estrogen and it helped immensely.

  6. Thanks for your kind comments everyone. Mom, I'm actually not in menopause yet, which is probably why no one has said anything. I'll mention it the next time I see him.

  7. I have not stopped in to your blog in quite a while. I'm glad I did this evening. I can certainly identify with this post. I have often felt isolated recently too.
    I also scrolled down and read your last few posts. A belated happy birthday to Nathan!
    I hope I am more of a giver than a taker but I suspect I'm more taker than I want to admit.Thank you for the challenge.
    Now I must away to bed. You have a blessed Lord's Day.

  8. Hi Terri ~ re the post you published later, my tip is to take unkind criticism with a large 'pinch of salt' and sail on fairly evenly...most things blow over. And be your other half's joyful source of escape and reprieve..why should you let others affect your wellbeing?. I learned this when my DH was head of a very picky bunch of governers and parents at a small school!! Just smile and , more or less, carry on. You two do a fine job, generally, I'm sure. They are lucky to have such nice leaders.
    God bless you both,


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