The Lazy Days of Summer?

Emily finished school this week and you would think with it being summer and all that I'd get a chance to slow down and take it easy.  Hah!  The next few weeks are even busier.  

I've been gifted a few different times over the past 2 weeks with fabric and I have so many ideas popping around my brain that I can smell smoke! ;-)

Here are two tote bags I made this week and an apron.

The first is identical to the one I made last week, only with nylon lining.

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I'm not sure why this looks crooked here.  It may have been the angle I took it at.  It is symetrical! :-)

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I'm catering a friend's graduation party on Saturday so I'm going shopping with her today and then will spend the day tomorrow prepping.

I need to get Emily's quarterly report in the mail by Friday.  Yikes!!!  That's tomorrow!

I'm writing on a study to do with a friend this summer, entitled, "Finding your place, passion and purpose in Christ."  

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Next Saturday, I'll be manning not only my own booth, but our church booth (with help), at our town's community day.

My mother and step-dad will be here on July 1st for a week.  I have some cleaning and rearranging to do for that.

Dan & I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage next Tuesday.  We'll be celebrating with friends and family by renewing our vows on July 6th.  So I have much to do to get ready for that, including cooking.

I'll be at our local library on July 13th for a book signing and need to prepare something to say for that.

Things slow down a bit after that.  There is a church barbecue & bonfire which will be pure fun and I have to organize Summerfest 2013 for our church but again, I'll have help for those things. Somewhere in there I'm supposed to be working on the next book.  

I like being busy and I'm trying to take things one day at a time so it doesn't totally overwhelm me.  I have my lists at hand and as long as I can remember where I put them, I'm doing good.  

I don't know who coined the term, "the lazy days of summer," but they don't know what they are talking about! lol


  1. It sounds like you will be busy but I know you enjoy all of the things you have planned.



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