
I called the doctor the other day to try and find a time when I could get in there to have him sign a form for Emily.  The receptionist said, "Why don't you have your husband bring it in when he comes in for his appointment this afternoon."  I said, "What appointment?"

Long story short, Dan's blood pressure has been shooting up dangerously high.  After having a bout of it at work the other day, he called to make the appointment.  Turns out, it's not health related but stress related.  The toll of working a full-time job, pastoring a church and not having a vacation or a regular day off in a few years is catching up to him.  His blood pressure shoots up, his heart starts racing, and he feels like he is going to pass out.  The doctor told him that your body can only take so much before it is overloaded.  

So he needs to find ways to de-stress.

That's what we are doing tomorrow.  I don't know what we are doing yet, but I am taking my husband, finding a body of water somewhere and going to RELAX  We are not going to talk about the church or ministry.  We are going to enjoy each other and whichever of our children come with us.

So, my dear husband needs some prayer and some loving kindness.  I can do both and I hope you will do the former!
Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Will be praying for your husband to relax and you guys have fun...

    One thing is the congregation is more understanding than you think... We make our Pastor and Youth Pastor to take a day off each covers the other... Our Youth Pastor is horrible in saying no and was so stressed out and so was his wife because they had no time. Because he worked full time to.....So we as a congregation took action and told him to say no to us and yes to his wife....and to turn off his cell phone one day a has worked for our church and our Pastors...

    Hugs to you and your husband....

    1. Sounds like you have a great congregation, Lisa. Thank you for the prayers!

  2. Praying for your husband. I hope ya'll have a very relaxing day that will soothe all of your souls.
    God bless, Lisa :O)

  3. Stress is such a horrible thing. Enjoy your day together. I'll certainly keep you in prayer.

    1. Thank you, Barbara! One of the things that he does regularly that actually helps him reduce stress is running. So the doctor did tell him to keep that up!

  4. I would have the doctor check his thyroid hormone levels.

    1. Somebody else mentioned that to me today too. Thank you!

  5. Praying you have a relaxing vacation.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

    1. Thanks, Kathy. It's only one day but hopefully it will be relaxing!

  6. In the ministry, you must take some time off. Even God took the 7th day off...You may think you are just sacrificing yourself but you can't serve God the way you want to, when you are stressed and over worked. God bless you, Terri, and take it easy!!!!!!!

    1. It's not because we don't want one, Donna, but with him working a full-time job plus pastoring it's almost impossible some weeks. We are trying to rectify that!

  7. Dear Terri ~ Lifting Dan up and praying also that your day tomorrow will bring restoring refreshment.

    Love & Hugs,

  8. Praying for your hubby, enjoy your de-stressing day!



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