The Cold Wind of Anxiety


I received an email the other day from my son who was struggling with depression over something.  He poured out his heart to me and I could immediately feel that cold grip of anxiety wrap itself around my heart.  My stomach tightened and I felt ill most of the day. 

Much of my anxiety seems to center around my family, and especially my children's well-being.  It's rough being a parent.  I long for them to do well - emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  When I feel anxious, I do pray but It's hard for me when they are struggling.


Yet, I often find that if I stay calm and just listen, pray, and offer advice SPARINGLY, things turn around.  

Later that day, the same child who sent me the email, came home and was happy.  He had worked through his discouragement.  God had provided a very tangible thing for him to see how all would be okay.  

And that, my friends, is the way it should be.  So often, I want to run around and fix everything.  I want to relieve my anxiety by making everything right and perfect in my child's world.  But, God has His own plan for my children.  And sometimes that involves going through very difficult things.  Because it's in the difficulties that my kids will learn to trust Him.  It's in those challenges that they develop character and perseverance.  It's in the tough times, they can see how God is working.

I hate when my children are going through difficulties, but I'm also seeing that it may be necessary.  When I look back on my own life and the very hard times I had growing up, I can see how they shaped me in to the person I am today.

The cold wind of anxiety will blow again.  That is certain.  However, I am going to continue to trust God.  I'll keep turning those worries over to Him.  I am going to leave my children in His hands and let Him do a wonderful work in their lives.  Often the winds blow away the clouds and blue skies start to show.


And just as I can be sure that the cold wind will blow, I can also be certain that the sun will shine once again! 


  1. A very timely post for me today Terri, thank you for sharing. I struggle with anxiety about my parent's failing health. I try to live one day at a time, trusting God and knowing that He does know what He's doing, but I still manage to feel gripped by anxiety. I want to spare my parents from any further suffering, and I also want to know what's ahead so I can prepare myself (impossible). This post was a great help to me today, thank you. xxx

  2. So hard to see one's children suffering. You can only givee them up to the Lord, put them in His hands, and love them.

  3. The most stressful thing in the world is to know things aren't right with one my children! But, you are right they often work things out for themselves.


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