The Five Senses

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Autumn brings to mind so many wonderful sights, smells and sounds.  It one of my favorite seasons and it engages all five senses.

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Vibrant colors make a patchwork quilt on the hills.  A blanket in various shades of red, gold, orange and brown cover the arms of the maple and oak trees, who are beginning to feel a chill.

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The sun is warm on my face and yet, the air is brisk.  It is a reminder that colder weather is on the way.  Warm sweaters feel soft on my skin.

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The smell of dry and dying leaves mix with the distant smell of wood smoke.

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If I pick up a leaf it crackles, crunches, and disintegrates at the touch of my fingers.  Ulike the smooth and springy feel of fresh, green leaves, it is rough and sharp.  As I walk through the woods, I hear the scamper of squirrels as they gather nuts for the winter.  I hear the swish, swish, swish of feet through piles of browness.

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Autumn brings to mind the tartness of apples and their sweetness baked into pies.  Cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves mix together in spicy cookie goodness.

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Pumpkins, gourds, mums and Indian corn displayed with brilliant colors.

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I want to enjoy every moment of this autumn!


  1. A wonderful description of Fall, Terri!! I love this season too, although Spring is my favorite. Have a lovely day!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. The only problem with fall is that winter follows soon after. Ugh!

  3. Lovely photos & words...I do so love autumn!


  4. Beautiful, Terri. I love fall too.


  5. You have shown us the best of Autumn.


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