Let's Go for a Walk

Lately, things have been discouraging here and I feel my head wrapped in a shroud of anxiety and depression.  When I feel like that I often just want to stay in the house and not do anything. The problem with that is it just increases those feelings.

When I force myself outside, I actually feel my spirits lift.  The cares and concerns melt away, or at least, get into the proper perspective.

Perhaps that is why the Psalmist states in Psalm 121:1-2, "I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

There is something about being outside in God's creation that reminds me of the One who has my past, present and future in His hands.  

This weekend was a terrific weekend for getting out into nature and enjoying the sights, sounds and smells.  It was a great way to reconnect with my husband and children.  It was definitely something that was needed around here.

Dan had Friday off and he said my favorite words, "Let's go for a walk!"  We drove to a newish addition to our area, the Walkway Bridge over the Hudson River.  What a gorgeous day!  

Saturday night we were having a church dinner & bonfire and normally, I would be spending the day making the dishes I was bringing, and also preparing for Sunday morning.  That means I'm doing the bulletins, getting the powerpoint together, children's church lessons, and a variety of other things. 

This Saturday dawned bright and beautiful, and I was determined not to allow another Saturday to pass by without enjoying it.  So I said to Dan, "Let's go for a walk."  And we went hiking through the woods at the local park around the corner.

The smell of drying leaves was everywhere.  The sun was warm.  It was beautiful!

Sunday morning we had church, but it was a hard morning.  My son struggles with anxiety and depression and his head was not in a good place on Sunday.    After talking to a friend who said, "It sounds as if you need to reconnect as a family." we decided to take a road trip.  We knew if we stayed some place local, then our son would not want to go.  So we took a drive down to the area where Dan and I first met.  We told the kids, "Let's go for a walk!"

What a great idea that turned out to be!  We drove around the town we used to hang out in.  We went out to eat.  We walked a three-mile trail around a nearby lake.

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On the way home we stopped to look at some beautiful views.  

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It was just what we needed as a family.  We were able to help our son out of his anxiety.  We reconnected.  We enjoyed each others company.  We laughed.  We were relaxed.

"Let's go for a walk" is our pet phrase here for getting those endorphins flooding through our system, for reconnecting with another person, and for just putting things into perspective.

As you walk, you too can feel God's presence and hear from Him!

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So, "Let's go for a walk!


  1. Oh us too! Beautiful pics Terri, thanks for sharing, xxx

  2. Lovely walks Terri. I'm glad you had time together as a famiy.

  3. Wonderful post & photos!



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