Stormy Weather

Yesterday was oppressively humid and unusually warm for October.  As I went for my morning walk, the wind began to kick up and it sprinkled on and off all day.

All day long, my son's pager kept opening up with tornado warnings.   As the day wore on the wind speed increased.  By late afternoon, the sky got pitch black and then suddenly, there were torrential downpours.

I really dislike stormy weather.  It makes me feel unsettled and nervous.  It mostly has to do with where we live.  We are in the middle of very tall, and very old trees.  I can't tell you how many times, I've watched branches fall when the wind starts.  So, you can imagine, how high winds and tornado warnings make me feel!

Yet, after about 15 minutes the wind stopped and the rain died down to a drizzle.  It was a very fast moving storm.  It remained wet all evening but around 7 p.m. I happened to look out our back window and this sight met my eyes.

What beauty!  What a promise of better things!  I felt my spirits lift at the sight.  The clouds rolled back in very quickly and the red disappeared but it was a momentary glimpse of God's handiwork.

Our lives are like that too.  We face stormy weather often.  Sometimes it is a fast moving storm; and unexpected crisis that is quickly resolved.  Other times it rains for days and seemingly weeks and months.  It is a trial that lasts a long time.

Yet, the sky does part from time to time so we can catch a glimpse of the Lord.  Of who is in charge.  Of the One who has it all under control.  Those moments give us hope and peace and contentment.  But you have to look up to see them!  You can't keep your eyes on your circumstances.  You can't sit in your room and grumble and complain and whimper.

You have to get up and look out the window!  When you are facing a trial, keep looking to, and trusting in the Lord.  He is there.  He has it covered.  He will help you through it.  And He will also give you those glimpses and moments of hope.

That hope may come through a friend or neighbor who offers a word of encouragement.  It may be through something you read or hear.  You may hear Him directly speaking to your soul.

The sky is gorgeous above the storm!  Look up to Him so you can catch a glimpse.


  1. We had rain off and on all day, too. And when I was driving to the gym around 630pm, I saw this reddish light and thought, what is that? Turned out to be a gorgeous sunset! I smiled all the way to the gym.

  2. What a very beautiful sky, such unusual colours.


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