
There is a song we sing in church by Phillips, Craig and Dean called, Amazed.  It's one of my favorites and today I'm in awe of how God works in our lives.

Here are the lyrics....

You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
How You love me

You paint the morning sky
With miracles in mind
My hope will always stand
For You hold me in Your hand

Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
How You love me
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
How You love me

How wide, how deep
How great is Your love for me
How wide, how deep
How great is Your love for me

Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
How You love me

I love the mental picture of God dancing around me, pouring out His good on my life.  It's easy to forget that He hears our prayers and that He is in all the little details of our lives.

When we made the decision to take the new church, there were some major things that needed to be sorted out.  It was so clear to us that God was leading us this way and so we knew He would work it all out.  I sat down and made a list of these items and Dan & I started praying over them.  

I knew God would answer, but to be honest, I never expected the answers to come so quickly, so specifically, and in such huge ways!

Even though some of these things are personal, I wanted to share how He answered some very specific prayers.  

Housing - Stephen made the decision to finish out his associates degree in the community college he is attending.  That means we are leaving him behind and he needed to find a place to live from mid-January to mid-May.  The dorm is about $5,000 and that was not factored into his grant or student loan.  

We don't have $5,000 nor does he have a job (other than tutoring) that will pay it.  So we thought the next option would be to room and board with someone.  But, that is a concern for me.  Stephen has generalized anxiety disorder and not every situation would be good for him.  He has been very apprehensive about who he would stay with.

Last night we received a message from friends of ours who are a fellow ministry couple, offering room and board for Stephen for the four months.  We know this couple well.  We love them.  We trust them.   Stephen knows them and feels comfortable with them.  

What a major answer to prayer! 

Car Situation - Our cars are old and really beat up.  The mini-van we drive has 140,000 miles on it and some major emission issues.  The engine light has been on for 3 years and it stinks like exhaust.  Stephen's car does not go into 5th gear and needs the transmission replaced. We have zero dollars for this.  We really weren't sure what we could do except take out a loan, which we really don't want to do.  But we can't leave Stephen here with a car that he can't drive on the highway.

I got a phone call on Sunday from a relative, offering me their car.  This person had no idea that we were even leaving or needed a car.  They felt led to give it to us.  It is an older vehicle but only had 35,000 miles on it and it is in excellent condition. 

We are also being blessed by two separate family members with gifts to fix Stephen's car. 

What a blessing and answer to prayer!  God not only provided for Stephen's car, but also provided us with a replacement for our mini-van which wasn't even in our thoughts.

Nathan - Nathan is always a concern for us because unlike many pastors, we have an adult child who lives with us.  So we always have to consider his needs when we move and not every situation will work.  

If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know that the fire house is his life.   We literally live next door to the local department.  Often when you join a local fire company, it can take up to 6 months from the time you fill out the application to the time you are a full-fledged member.  That means Nathan will be climbing the walls for 6 months! lol

When we went to candidate at this new church we discovered the parsonage was 8 doors down from the local fire house.  And we discovered that are three very nice men who attend the new church that are on the fire department.  We were able to get a tour of the fire station, and get an application ahead of time to get the process started now rather than waiting until we get there.  

Out of all our children, we were worried about Nathan the most.  Yet, he is the one who is the most excited.  He said to me today, "I can't wait to move!"  "I love an adventure!"  :-)

There is a list of these type of prayers that have been very specifically answered in the past month.  I can't share them all because this post would be way too long.  But I'm in awe today.  I love how much the Lord cares for His children.  God knows the desires of our heart.  He knows our needs and He meets them in ways that far exceed our expectations.

And that is why I am amazed by God!


  1. Wonderful testimonies! What a blessing to see God's Hands all over this move. Prayers for you, my dear Terri.

    1. This is one of those times in our lives when we can definitely see Him throwing open doors! Very exciting. Thank you for the prayers, Elaine.

  2. Praising God for all his blessings. Will Dan still have to work a second job or will he be full time at the new church? I am so excited for you and your family.

    1. He will be able to pastor full-time, Cammie. He'll probably will do something part-time because that is how he gets to know the community - things like tutoring or subbing in the school system. But he won't have to do that.

  3. This was a great post today, Terri! I can see God working for you all. I'm especially glad Nathan is excited for a new adventure! Praying he will get a job he likes. He has experience and I'm sure, great references. God bless you all.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! We were filling out the application and we ran out of space when they asked for training and experience! LOL!!!!

    2. Your "running out of space" comment made my day today, Terri!!!
      God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Continued prayers for your family as you follow Jesus in ministry. Praising God for His answers and tender care of your family.

  5. What a great God you ( and I) serve! WOO HOO for Nathan. He's my kind of guy.


  6. Terri, I just read Psalm 31:19 "How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear you, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You." AWESOME!


  7. God is truly amazing. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this move!


    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Nadine!

  8. Praise the Lord for these wonderful provisions! What an exciting adventure for the new year! Blessings to you all!


    1. Even though I'm not going to like moving in the middle of winter, the new year is a great time for a new start! Thanks, Sharon!

  9. Isn't it wonderful how God goes before us, knows the needs and fulfils them far exceeding our expectations.
    Wonderful answers to prayer, Terri.

    1. It is wonderful, Barbara! So thankful for His blessings!


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