Crafty Things

I haven't done a Crafty Things post in a while but it certainly isn't for lack of crafting!  I've been swamped with orders.  I'm not complaining!  I was thrilled to learn that all three local stores that carry my items want to continue after I move.  There is a little boutique near us that is doing a fantastic job of selling my items so I was especially happy to hear from them.

Here are just a few of the things I've done lately.  I've been up to my eyeballs with aprons the past two weeks and I have to say, I love trying different styles but the bib apron is the most popular.  It's very functional and yet, can be pretty with the right combination.

Here are the aprons.

Adult aprons (I've done 6 in the past 2 weeks)

Child's aprons (7 in the past 2 weeks)

Some tea totes.

Tissue holders.

I've also done some tea cozies and fabric bread baskets.  My sewing machine is humming!

Tis the season. :-)


  1. You have been working hard! I'm so glad that the stores want to continue to stock your lovely things.

  2. Very pretty. I love the child's apron with the little mittens.


  3. That is a wonderful blessing that the shops want to continue to carry your items ~ yay! That mitten fabric is so adorable! You have been so productive! Great job!



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