Multitude Monday

Yesterday was a bitter-sweet, hard day.  Ten and a half years ago, God called us to this area as church planters.  We spent 5 1/2 years doing that and then merged our church plant with our current church after they lost their pastor and spent another 5 years here.  We've ministered to the same basic group of people that entire time.

We've seen children grow from preschoolers to teenagers.  Dan has baptized, married and buried people.  We have cried with these people.  We have laughed with them.  We have loved them and for the most part, they have loved us.

However, God often calls His people to go out and when He does that, you need to follow.  We received that call recently and have accepted it.  We will be leaving here at the end of December and beginning in a new church further to the north and the west, but still in New York.  We'll be braving snow - a lot of it and cold weather.  But we will be following where God is leading and I know He is in it.

We are excited.  We are anticipating our new ministry.  But we are sad too.  Sad to leave people that we love with all our hearts and have been with us through ups and downs, mountains and valleys.  People that we consider family and people that we've seen grow spiritually. Friends who have seen our family through many milestones.

We will miss them.  But we also know God has a plan for them too and it is a good plan. 

Today, I'm thankful for blessings #1797 - 1806

♥ The smell of vanilla-hazelnut candles.

♥ Very specific answers to prayer.

♥ Warm hugs.

♥ Meeting new people.

♥ Thankful for a husband who listens for God's direction.

♥ Roasted pumpkin seeds. 

♥ The pieces of the puzzle falling into place.  In other words, God works out the details.

♥ Time to say a proper goodbye.

♥ A huge, unexpected blessing that was sent our way.

and finally...

♥ God's leading into a new adventure. 


  1. Oh Terri, what a change in your life that is going to be. God will be one step ahead of you I'm sure. I pray that Nathan will be able to settle into another Firefighting job in your new area.

    1. Elizabeth, God is sooooooo good! There are three men in the new church that are part of the fire department there. It is 8 doors down from the parsonage. I already have an application for Nathan and have been told to mail it directly to one of the men in the church so they can get the process started.

  2. Praying for your family in this transition. May God bless. I know He will. Love you, friend.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. I appreciate that! It truly has been such a clear leading from the Lord. Love you too.

  3. Praying for your entire family as you make your move. So happy for Nathan, as that was also one of my first thoughts. What about Stephen with his college classes, is there a place close by for him?

    I will be praying for you especially, since it is mom (guided by The Lord) who keeps all things calm and going at times like this. I am thankful that Dan is willing to follow the leading of The Lord. I will be praying for you to stay warm. The southern girl in me would be an icicle.

    1. Stephen will be staying behind and finishing up his associate's degree here, Cammie. I'd appreciate prayer for him as we try to find a place for him to live!

  4. Big changes ahead Terri, I pray that you will all settle well into your new home and church! So glad we can all still stay in touch with you via your blog! love, Tina xxx

    1. Thanks, Tina. I'm especially thankful for the blog and facebook so even though I'm moving I can still stay in touch!

  5. Terri, congratulations on this new phase of your life! God is definitely calling you and will be with you and your family during the transition. My first thought also was of Nathan. I will pray he gets a job with the new fire department. You all are such sweet and Christian people and I know you all are doing the will of God and good things will happen for you. Praying for you all.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

    1. It's a volunteer fire dept., Kathy, and not paid so I do think they'll accept him. But it takes about 3-4 months so I know it'll be tough for him to wait. Please pray that he can find a job when we get there though! Thanks!

  6. Terri, Praying for you and your family. I know your congregation must be broken hearted. I feel like I know them. I have enjoyed looking at all the pictures you post after you have a fellowship event. Your new Church will certainly be blessed by Dan and you.....such hard workers and lovers of the Lord.

    God is good!

  7. Excited for your new church God has called you to shepherd, but sad for the one you leave behind. It's hard to build relationships and friendships and have to say goodbye when obeying where God leads. Praying for you and your family, the church there as they send you off, the church receiving you as their new pastor, and God's renewing strength each day to tie up all the lose ends. Happy about the fire department possibilities for Nathan. I know that's a huge desire of his heart and it's just like our God to supply those needs. Praying for Stephen, that living arrangements will be found and he will do okay while he finishes up his associate's degree. Also praying for Emily as she adjusts to a new school. I'm excited that you will be closer so we perhaps can get together for that cup of coffee and a good chat....probably not in the winter though. :) Love you dear friend, Daisy

    1. Thank you so much for that, Daisy! The one thing I am looking forward is being closer to you and Delta!

  8. Exciting news Terri :)
    Am praying for you all.
    It sounds great.

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn! I appreciate your prayers.


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