Passing it On!

I had mentioned that last week I would have a surprise for those of you who read my blog.  And no, the surprise wasn't that I was moving! Time got away from me and I'm just finally getting around to this.

Dan & I have been so blessed lately with how things are falling into place for a new ministry and the move.  We are blessed all the time, but it's been really neat to see how God is orchestrating this whole thing.

Anyway, I wanted to pass on some of that blessing so I'm having a blog giveaway!  You can enter by either leaving a response here or on facebook and letting me know what you are thankful for this month.  I will accept entries through Friday and then will have the drawing on Saturday.

Here is what you can win....

A signed copy of each of my books, Words of Encouragement for a Discouraged World and One Clear, Still Night.

A set of Thanksgiving mug rugs.

A pocket tissue holder.

Just leave your comment, letting me know what you are thankful for between now and Friday night.

Have a blessed day!


  1. I am thankful for homeschooling. Spending each day with my children is certainly not easy, but it is very good!

  2. I guess you don't want a looong list so I will just say at this moment that I am thankful for being needed and wanted. Everyone is not. Angela

  3. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, Terri. It is a special day full of great food, loving family and being thankful for my many blessings God has given me. That is what I am most thankful for.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. I'm thankful for our home and family. We retired and moved close to our daughter, son-in-law and three of our grandchildren last year. It is such a blessing to be here!

  5. How lovely of you.
    I'm thankful for my husband's continuing good health.

  6. I am thankful for the friendships that I have made through blogging. Especially with encouraging friends like you Terri!


  7. I already have several of those items, but not your Christmas book yet, so throw my name in. :-)

  8. Terri, thank you for a chance to win the giveaway. I am thankful for the family I have. They are there thru thick and thin.

  9. This is very sweet, Terri! I am thankful for all the simple things the Lord has blessed me with!


  10. This is a lovely website and of good report! I am thankful for the incredible fortune and privilege, against all the cosmic odds, of just being alive on this beautiful planet for a while.

  11. Thank you for all your words of encouragement x This month we are grateful for my husbands new job it is a real answer to prayer as a career change and will bless us as a family with better hours. God bless and thank you .


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