Super Saturday

Happy Saturday to you, my friends!  Most Saturdays are spent puttering around the house or grocery shopping or sewing.

Today, I'll be parked in a chair at the local mini-mall, and outside of a store that carries both my books.  I will be doing book signings all day and working on some crocheting.  

It's amazing to me how God has given me the desire of my heart to be able to focus on my family and yet, at the same time, bring in a small income.  I'm certainly not getting rich off the sewing and books.  Basically what I make buys new material and pays our internet bill.  Oh wait...I bought groceries last week with it too! lol

But, I'm being able to create.  I get to meet wonderful new people.  I get to minister to those who read my book or stop to talk with me. And that is what makes this a super Saturday!

I want to remind you that the newest book, One Clear, Still Night is on Amazon, along with the other book, Words of Encouragement for a Discouraged World.  Both would make wonderful Christmas gifts! :-)  Also, if you have purchased and read them, would you be willing to leave a customer review?  That always helps others who are making the decision to buy them.  

Thank you so much!  I also have a special surprise this week for my blog readers.

Have a blessed weekend.


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