Thrify Thursday: Simplicity

I love doing the Thrifty Thursday posts because they make me think more consciously about why I do what I do.   One of the values that Dan & I have always had is to live a simple lifestyle.  

We don't have to have the best of everything.  We don't have the latest gadgets.  I don't have to have designer clothing or fancy jewelry.

This goes for living arrangements too.  I've been spoiled here the past few years because we've lived in a fairly large home.  So that means, if someone said, "Could you use xyz?" I generally said, "Yes!" because we had the space.   We are currently living a in a two story, 4 bedroom home.  It also has a living room, dining room, and a large "extra" room built onto it.

We are moving to a 3 bedroom, double wide, modular home.  After the initial shock/dismay at realizing how much smaller it is, I realized that I would just have to remember the "simplicity" model.  We served for 10 years in an inner city ministry and always lived in 2 bedroom apartments with 3 children.  Granted, the kids were small then, but with some creativity, I can do this! :-)

That means however, that I'm going to be using rooms in a different way.

For example, one of our values is also entertaining.  We love company and large crowds don't scare me.  We have a huge dining room table that was given to us and it expands to sit 14.  It's big, bulky and will take up the entire dining room (which is just an extension of the living room) in the new place.

So, I decided to turn the living room (the room Dan is facing) into a dining room.  

The space that's intended for a dining room will just become a little sitting area where people can visit with me while I cook.  See the lettering on the wall to the left?  It says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"  Love it!

The room that you see straight ahead through the doors is a sun room that was added to the house.  It is very large and that will be our living room area.  I'll just have to carve out a little corner for my sewing.

It runs the length of the house and has a gas heater at one end.  If I leave the door open to the rest of the house and use a space heater, we should be good.

The kitchen is small, but still much larger than what I have now.  And it has that island there for extra space.  I can envision lots of entertaining going on! :-)

I'm in the process of sorting, decluttering, and downsizing.  Our piano which no one ever plays is going tomorrow.  I have bags of things here or there that are going to the thrift shop, friends, or garbage.  There are a few other pieces of furniture that I'll need to give away.

I'm actually enjoying getting back to a bit more simplicity which is what being frugal is all about!


  1. Terri and Dan,

    We continue to pray for you on this journey and look forward to your arrival as our new shepherd and sherperd's family. You are covered in prayer by our congregation, as is your current church family. God is working and moving many of us in different directions we never imagined. To Him be the glory.

    Thanks for sharing your creative insight on how you're going to arrange to entertain. Sounds like fun and I pray for an invite, lol.

    Have a great next few weeks - making and reliving memories.
    Lisa M Buske

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Looking forward to see how God is going to work in our new community. :-) You don't need an invite because you can come over anytime you want BEFORE 9 p.m. LOL!!!!!

  2. It looks like it has a lot of potential. When I cam in a "smaller" home, I find them more comforting, homey.

    Enjoy your new challenge.


  3. Simple living is the best, Terri! Your new house looks lovely and I know you will have a great time decorating and arranging your things. I will be looking forward to see what you have done! God bless you all in your new adventure.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. I'm sure that with your imagination and flair, you will find a way to make your new home delightful.

  5. I think your new home will be wonderful. You always make everything look nice and cozy. I am anxious to see what you do at your new place. I wish I could move....just so I could get busy and sort through my stuff. Purging is a very good thing.

    Love you,

  6. I have always wanted to use the front room as a big dinning room back when we had a large dinning table, I think it will be fabulous and so inviting for people to walk in and see the table all ready to receive them. I think the new place looks perfect for entertaining and hosting. We have moved from huge homes to tiny postage stamps of homes several times and it always feel like a cleansing process of purging and getting down to what we really love and need. Plus I always find ways to bless others with all that stuff that will no longer fit in the next house. lol :-) I am always impressed at your ability to make your home such a warm haven for all that enter, can't wait to see how transform this new place as well.

  7. Your new home looks great! We live in a small home (about 960 sq. ft.), it just makes you get creative with space! ;D
    Keeping you all in my prayers!



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