Turning My To-Dos into Ta-Dahs!

I had a momentary moment of panic on Friday when I realized Thanksgiving was actually this coming Thursday and not a week away!  Time is flying by and I'm feeling the tightening of the packing up a house noose.

I have only 4 1/2 weeks to get things ready for our move.  And that is on top of running a sewing business and the holidays.  Unfortunately, Dan is working full time at his secular job right up until December 20th so a lot of this falls on my shoulders.  

I thought putting a weekly list of the big items I need to do here for all the world to see would motivate me to stay on task.  I'm hoping that I'll accomplish more this way.   These are things on top of my normal cooking and cleaning.  I'd love to turn these "to-dos" into "ta-dahs!!!"

Okay.  Deep breathe.  Here we go.

November 26-December 1 
Finish 3 table runners
Finish 2 tea cozies
Make pies & bread for Thanksgiving orders (Made 6 pies, 6 dozen rolls, and 2 loaves of Challah)
Trip to dentist  This has been postponed until Monday
Drop off items at boutique
My own Thanksgiving dinner
Set up Christmas tree - there will be a revolt if I don't have the tree.
Haircut for me
Cut Dan & Nathan's hair
Pack 6 boxes
Go to my sisters for the weekend

And I'm off!  Have a great day.  


  1. Replies
    1. This made me laugh out loud because it's EXACTLY how I feel!

  2. Breathe in and out. Out and in. Now say "AHHHHHHHH".


  3. Oh My! Makes my stress look better ... since I'm not moving along with everything else that is going on. Good luck Terri, you are doing great! I had to laugh about the revolt one.


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