A Week of Good Things

Psalm 103:1-2 (NLT) ~

Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

I'm so thankful on this Friday for all the good things the Lord has done for us over the past week.  About 5 years ago I started writing a list each week of the many ways God had blessed me over the previous week.  I'm so glad that I started that tradition because it really has changed my whole outlook on life.

I still have bad days and my natural tendency is to complain, but I found that when I started seeing God's hand in every detail of my life, those complaining moments happened less frequently and for not as long!  It started with naming just one blessing, and then two and so on and it has definitely been life-changing.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1851-1870

♥ The crew at our old home that showed up to help us move.  They loaded an entire house on a moving truck in an hour and a half.

♥ Firemen who helped us get the truck out of the mud after it got stuck in our driveway.

♥ Safety on the road.  Neither boy had ever driven on the interstate or for longer than an hour.  We had a 5 hour trip (ended up taking 6) in very foggy, rainy conditions.  They did great.  We were quite the caravan - the moving truck in the front, Nathan, then Stephen and I brought up the rear.  There were a couple of times when I prayed out loud as the boys changed lanes on a very busy holiday weekend, but they did a terrific job.

♥ Thankful that it didn't snow on the trip.  After all, we have moved to the snow belt of New York!  It has snowed every single day since we have been here.

♥ The fact that there were men on this end when we arrived to help pull the beds and "necessary" items out of the truck.

♥ Laughter & fellowship with friends.

♥ A sleepover for Emily with her friend, Mary.  It helped to ease the transition of leaving her church, home, and friends. 

♥ A great night's sleep in a new home.

♥ Smiling faces and warm hugs on Sunday.

♥ Lunch after the morning service.

♥ A multitude of help unloading the truck, including another local pastor and his family.

♥ Boys who feel right at home.  They don't always feel comfortable around new people and they both have commented how much they like everyone.

♥ A multitude of little kindnesses shown over the past few days.
♥ A wonderful Christmas Eve service.

♥ A beautiful Christmas in our new home.  The tree was up, gifts were wrapped ahead of time and under the tree, and I managed a ham dinner.  Not too bad for having moved 3 days prior.

♥ Already meeting new people in the town and hearing their stories.  One woman was moved to tears as she shared visiting her son's grave the day before.  I was able to lend a listening ear and some encouragement and prayer.

♥ Getting unpacked and settled.  I can see my floor!

♥ Nathan, who was feeling a bit anxious the other day, was able to get his fire gear and pager yesterday.  The anxiety melted right out of him!

♥ A movie night with the family, seeing The Hobbit at the local theater.

and finally....

♥ God's goodness, all the time.


  1. Terri you have done marvels doing Christmas and a house move just a few days apart. For some reason I thought you were nearer to your old home. God bless you all.

    1. We are about 5 hours to the North & the West of where we lived before and about 5 miles from Lake Ontario.

  2. I think you are amazing to have achieved so much in such short time, even including time to post blogs. I continue to pray for this time of transition.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Barbara. I didn't post pictures of the other side of the room! ;-)

  3. Amazing how "at home" you all seem to be already! God it good! :) xxx

  4. Terri, thanks for sharing all of this. It is very encouraging to see how the Lord has worked out the final chapter of the move and His sweetness to your lovely family through it all! I've been praying for a good and easy transition for all of you.


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