Christmas Memories

I have to be honest and say that this is a very hard Christmas for us.  Things are not the same.  For one thing instead of a house full of decorations, I have a house full of boxes.  Many of the church related traditions we've always organized are being done by someone else.  I'm struggling with the transition and Emily is struggling with it.  Dan actually made the comment the other day that he feels like a guest preacher in our church now. :-(  After talking with other pastors and their wives, we know these are normal emotions but it still is hard.

The other weird transition for me too is that in just a month, Stephen will be moving out and living on his own.  So all of the big stress-producers in life are hitting us all at the same time!  Change of job, moving, financial issues, children moving out.  YIKES!  No wonder I've been having heart palpitations (and yes, an EKG and Holter monitor showed irregularities but nothing to be worried about).

I don't have a lot of Christmas related photos this year, but I was looking back at some from our time here and it's amazing how my kids have grown in the ten years we've been here.  They have grown up in this church.

We moved here in May of 2003 but unfortunately, the only digital photos I have date from 2007 since that's when I started blogging.  But it's amazing at how they've grown.

Christmas 2008 (Blurry!)

Christmas 2009 (Blurry too!  Boy, I'm glad my picture taking skills have gotten better) ~

Christmas 2010 ~ 

Christmas 2011 ~ 

Christmas 2012 ~ 

Christmas 2013 ~

The only one I have so far is Stephen & Emily decorating the tree.  This is Emily's normal "You are annoying me face" but I know they'll be all smiles come Christmas Eve! ;-)  (Hmmmm....this one is blurry too.  Maybe my picture taking skills haven't gotten that good! lol)

My children have grown up and are becoming young adults.  That's a wonderful thing and I'm so proud of them, but boy, am I feeling old!

That is my bit of nostalgia today. :-)


  1. I remember seeing many of those Christmas photos, Terri!

  2. Beautiful pictures....I didn't think they were so blurry.



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