The God of Possibilities

My sewing machine was humming merrily along yesterday afternoon.  My mind just as rapidly mulled over different thoughts, ideas and possibilities that are looming in the future.  As my thoughts and ideas jumped from one thing to the next, I realized what a wonderful God I serve.

He is a God who delights in achieving the impossible.  He loves taking circumstances that seem overwhelming and daunting and showing us how He works.  He is the God of possibility. 

The God of possibility causes endless winter to become summer in time.

The God of possibility allows the sun to rise and set each day.

The God of possibilties takes a child with multiple disabilites and shapes him into a fine young man who is achieving wonderful things with his life.

The God of possibility took an unhappy girl and is helping turn that frown into a smile.

The God of possibility is taking a boy with severe anxieties and turning him into a young man who is developing confidence and senses God's call on his life.

The God of possibility allows a church of strangers become friends in a relatively short time.

The God of possibility is healing heartache that I never thought would heal.  He is mending the broken pieces of my life.  He is changing me from the inside out.

What a wonderful God we have!  He is the God who takes the impossible and turns it around.  That makes this a Monday with a multitude of possbilities!

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1946-1960.

♥ A full refrigerator.

♥ Getting some sewing accomplished.

♥ A date night with Dan.

♥ A relaxing Saturday.

♥ Competetive board games.

♥ Finding my niche.

♥ Laughter.

♥ Seeing results at the gym.

♥ A full night of sleep.

♥ Sweet worship.

♥ Accountants we trust.

♥ Hearing from Stephen every day even though he's far away.

♥ Hot, running water.

♥ Technology.

and finally...

♥ Possibilities.


  1. Beautiful thanksgiving. I'm so happy to be your neighbor at Ann's!

  2. I found you through Blue House Journal and am so excited to add your lovely blog to my "must read" list. Isn't God just amazing? Thanks for inspiring me to start my gratitude list again. Many blessings!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Karla. He certainly is amazing! Have a blessed day!

  3. I found you through Ann. Such a beautiful list! Have a blessed week full of grace!

    1. Thank you for visiting! Love the thought of having a week full of grace. :-)

  4. In Him, all things are possible - that is such a wonderful thing to know, isn't it?
    Have a great week.


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