Wednesday Words of Encouragment

Psalm 118:24 ~

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

I had such a busy weekend and a few nights of interrupted sleep and I've been really dragging the past few days.   This morning I truly wanted to turn over and go back to sleep for another hour or so.  It’s easy to grumble and complain about the day, especially when I feel cranky, tired and lethargic.
However, the Lord made this wonderful day to praise Him.  There is a cool breeze blowing and no matter how I feel I should be thanking Him for another new day.

Dan and I worked, lived, and worshipped with a local body of believers in the inner city of Paterson, NJ for 10 years.  One thing we noticed in our primarily the African-American church we attended was many of the prayers started out with, "Thank you Lord for allowing us to wake up this morning." What a wonderful perspective! 
If the Lord took His hand from us, we would not even be able to breathe.  Are you thankful today for the opportunity the Lord has given you today to wake up? You may be operating on only one cylinder, but you are operating!

Let's praise the Lord together for this day and the gift of life He has given to us.


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