Frugal Friday

It's Frugal Friday again and I've had all sorts of thoughts running through my head this week.  Friends are going overseas as missionaries and have to raise their support.  Dan & I have been praying about a monthly amount to give to a friend who is going overseas.  As we were talking, we were lamenting at how much we've frittered away over the years on silly trips to McDonald's or fast food and if we had not spent that money, how much more we'd have to give.  It certainly makes me think twice about wasting money.

I often think of being frugal in terms of having more money to pay off debt or to buy something I've wanted or to just save, but I realize that a lot of the reason I want to be frugal is so I have more to give back to the Lord, whether it's through my tithes or through giving to support another's ministry.  It's being a wise steward of the resources He has given us so we can give it back to be used to help others. 

Looking at our resources this way, makes it a lot more desirable for me to work hard at saving.

Some ways I've saved this week....

$ A friend gave me 2 large bolts of tapestry fabric and about 6 yards of cotton fabric.  I cannot wait to use it in some projects.

$ I'm trying my hand at making flavored vinegars.  I found a recipe at Faye's Blog for chive blossom vinegar.  Love the pretty pink it turns.  I just need to let it sit a bit more and strain it and it's ready to use.

$ I received an order for 16 bars of soaps for teacher's gifts.  I also stocked a bunch of soap in my Etsy shop.

$  I went to get my hair cut and my hairdresser told me she wasn't charging me for a while since she had some sewing projects for me.  Bartering is awesome!

$ Needed packaging for my soaps and was having a hard time finding any that worked since my bars are different shaped and hand made soap needs to breathe.  But I stumbled across little boxes at the dollar store that came in a package of 12 for $1.

$ Made due with what I had on hand for meals. 

So other than the normal things I do, that's about it!  What are some ways you've worked at making those dollars stretch this week.  I'm adding a link-up here so feel free to jump in and share.  The only thing I ask is that you link back here so others can join in and that you only link to the specific post you are referencing not your entire blog.

Have a great day!


  1. I love the little boxes that you found, that was certainly a bargain.

  2. That bottle of vinegar looks so pretty. Your soap looks really nice too.


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