
There are so many times in my life when I have a plan and a goal in mind and am determined to accomplish it.  Yet, as I go on, I find that a particular thing doesn't work or I need to adjust something else, and I have to tweak my plan.

One of the things I wanted to do with the new shop is have homemade bread for sale each week.  Since I'm closed on Tuesday, I thought Wednesday would be a good day to have it so I'd have time to bake.  Last Tuesday, I spent the afternoon baking and went off to the shop on Wednesday morning with 8 loaves of bread.  Wednesday afternoon I came back home with 8 loaves of bread. :-) 

It's going to take time to get the word out.  I'm also not so sure I want to spend precious time I do have at home, baking tons of bread.  So I tweaked my plan, put the word out on Facebook that I was taking orders.  This way, if someone wants something I'll know exactly what to make and can bring that. 

For those of you with children who have some disabilities, you know that sensory issues can be a problem.  Many struggle with getting their children to make healthy choices, especially when left to themselves.  My son, Nathan, works from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Which means by the time he gets home from work and gets settled, it's almost 3 a.m.  He has trouble getting to sleep, and because of his allergies, has issues with getting enough oxygen into his lungs.  This has been an ongoing problem for years. 

He sleeps to almost noon, and has just a few hours before he has to go back to work again.  His tendency is to grab the most unhealthy things to eat.  He gravitates towards junk food - McDonald's, salty snacks, etc.   Left to himself, he just won't eat well and I am starting to see his health deteriorate.   The problem is that I'm gone when he gets up and the 4 days I'm at the shop I barely see him.  Last week I realized that he was buying himself ramen noodles and that was all he was eating for about 3 of those days, even though there were other choices in the house.

So I tweaked.  I'm trying to prepare some healthy meals ahead of time and leave them for him.   The days I am home I am making sure that he is eating something healthy and a big meal before he goes to work.   It actually is helpful for the whole family because I generally don't get home until about 5:30 and I love having my meal already made!  When I make Nathan's meal, I just make sure there is enough for the whole family and we reheat it later.

I'm the church secretary and there is quite a lot involved in that.  Because I knew opening a shop was initially going to be a lot of work, I tweaked and asked someone else in the church to take over the responsibility of doing the bulletin for the month of September.  The burden of having to get that done each week has lifted.  I know once I settle into a routine it won't be a problem.

So tweaking a plan is not a bad thing.  It's just part of life and dealing with the unexpected.  My plan today is to clean my house and hopefully, I won't have to tweak that at all! lol


  1. Working that shift would be difficult for anyone! Is there a chance his shift could change in the future? Keeping him (and everyone else) in my prayers.


    1. He says they are talking about moving him to days but it hasn't happened yet. He also works about 30 minutes away and I hate when he has to travel very bad roads in the winter that late at night.


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