Multitude Monday

Knots in my stomach, an ache in my heart and the beginnings of a pounding headache.  This is my reaction when my child is hurt by the unkindness of others.  The emotional hurt manifests itself in a physical way. 

It's hard when you have a child, no matter how old, who aches to have a friend and to feel like they belong.  I can't make others be kind.  I can't force people to be his friend.  I can't ask others to just acknowledge him or talk to him.  I cannot do anything to make it better.  And that aggravates the pain I feel even more. 

This morning as I woke up, my Bible fell open to this passage and the words in verse 29 leapt out at me. 

Psalm 69:29-31 (NIV) ~

But as for me, afflicted and in pain—
    may your salvation, God, protect me.

I will praise God’s name in song
    and glorify him with thanksgiving.
This will please the Lord more than an ox,
    more than a bull with its horns and hooves.
In pain, the Psalmist still gave praise and thanksgiving to God.  It's so easy to praise Him when things are going well and when I'm happy.  It's not so easy, when I'm in either physical or emotional pain. Yet, this brings pleasure to God.  It pleases Him when I can rise above my circumstances and say, "Thank you." no matter what I face.
I want to sing the Lord's praises.  He has blessed me with so many things.  He loves me and He loves my child more than I ever can.  He wants not just good, but the best for my son.  That may require going through times of longing and loneliness, through times of hurt and pain.
So today I will praise Him.  Today I will trust Him.  And today, I will give thanksgiving.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2201-2210

2201.  A better week at the shop.

2202.  Changing leaves.

2203. Family Dinners

2204.  Board games.

2205.  Fall decorations

2206.  Brisk, autumn air.

2207.  Checking things off my list.

2208.  Warm apple crisp.

2209.  A father-son breakfast.

and finally...

2210. Praising Him in the pain.


  1. I know how it feels Terri. I hope things get easier.

  2. This is a situation that prompts me to pray. You're a gem Terri.

  3. Right here feeling that pain with our kids. Praying for N. and you. Thanks for the verse.

  4. My heart hurts for you, Terri. Unkindness is worse on a mother when it's against her child than when it's against herself. I want you to know I pray for Nathan every day. I will be praying for you both and your family. God loves us all just as we are and that helps to know that.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  5. Hoping you and Nathan will have a better day.


  6. Thank you, everyone! I appreciate the prayers for Nathan and myself. It's hard because I truly want to say something to the person doing this but at the same time, I know that will NOT help the situation and Nathan does need to learn to work through these things on his own. 15 people will tell him he's doing an awesome job at something but he fixates on the 1 or 2 who are acting stupid, Of course, he's a lot like his mother that way. ;-)


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