Do You Want Some Cheese With That Wine?

Did you ever have one of those days when you want to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head?  The kind of day when everything seems to terrible and you feel sorry for yourself?  The kind of day when someone may ask you, "Do you want some cheese with that wine (or should I say, whine)?
That would describe my day yesterday.  I had one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days.  A day when I felt like a failure and like I was all alone in the midst of struggles. A day when I doubted every decision I've ever made, including putting up yesterday's blog post.  It ended pretty badly too with my son calling us from work, extremely upset because of the way others have been treating him there.  For him to call it had to be bad.
However, God is bigger than all of these issues.  He is in control.  The reality is that I'm not alone.  People may let me down, but He never will.  Often, things can seem ten times worse than they actually are.   And I'm thankful when I recognize that I'm just having a bad day and not stay in that moment.
Lamentations 3:22-24 (NIV) ~
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”
Today is a new day.  So I'm looking up and moving forward!   I'm thankful that God gives us a fresh, clean slate each day (even at 2:52 a.m.).  :-)


  1. I'm sorry Terri. Praying that today will be much better.

  2. thank you for your honest post. I too had a hard day yesterday and am struggling with the path my life is taking, I know all things work for good in the long run, but finding it very challanging to take this road, because as a human I can't see the full picture, and that is hard to really believe that something is best for us when it's so hard and painful to do. It's reassuring as Christian's we have others going through hard days and can lift each other in prayer to ask for strength and wisdom. So thank you again for you open honest words that have encouraged me x

    1. I'll be praying for you and yes, it is difficult when we can't see the reason for the struggle. It really is a matter of trust and just following where the Lord leads. I just wish he would show me the big picture once in a while. lol!!! Have a wonderful day. :-)

  3. Everyone has bad days, Terri, but God sees us through. The tough part is waiting. Praying for you and Nathan.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. We're so alike...I've tried different ventures over the years and if they don't work out like I thought they would I always beat myself up. Don't do it Terri! It's always better to try things than be too fearful to give it a go. Sending big hugs across the ocean, xxx. And big hugs to your son too, xxx


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