Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Psalm 46:10 (NIV) ~

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Christmas shopping.  Wrapping gifts.  Baking cookies.  Running from one holiday party to the next.  These are all the signs of the holiday season.  We race from one moment to the next with scarcely a breath in between. 

Christmas is the time we celebrate the coming of the Messiah.  As believers we say we want to keep the true meaning of Christmas as our focus.  We express our desire to keep Christ in Christmas and yet, we continue to do all the things that pull our focus away from that.  We don't stop long enough to actually do what we say we want to do.

And yet, as this Psalm states, God wants us to be still.  To stop and listen to Him.  To get off the spinning merry-go-round long enough to recognize who He is.  What was the response of those who witnessed the birth of Christ?  The magi fell to their knees and worshiped.  The shepherds praised.  The angels worshipped.  Mary meditated and reflected.  Simeon praised God.  Anna began to thank God.

What is our response?  Is it to keep running and doing all the things that keep our focus off what Christmas is all about?  Or is it to stop and reflect on this wonderful gift?  Is our response to worship and praise, or to meditate and thank God?

Let's stop the craziness this Christmas.  Take time each day to stop and reflect on why we are celebrating?  Spend time in God's word each and in prayer, asking Him to give you some new insights into His word. 

Be still and know that He is God.


  1. Several weeks of sickness have made for a quieter, more laid back Christmas for us and I think it may be a great blessing in disguise! It's forced me to take time to really observe advent and read the scriptures everyday. I have really been blessed by this!

    We will enjoy Christmas with our daughter and her family. The end of the month will bring a new baby to our son and his wife-although if he decides to come early a Christmas grandbaby would be a wonderful present!


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